ping failed


Hi all, is there the possibility to recall in an expert the situation "ping failed" that I see sometimes in the diary?

When the connection is lost, I need to refresh my Renko graphs.

Something as

if (ping failed == true)


Thank you! 

Alberto_jazz: When the connection is lost, I need to refresh my Renko graphs.
When the connection is reestablished, your Renko generator should have updated the offline chart on the next tick. If it doesn't your generator is broken.

My Renko generator (the famous Renko_Live_Chart 3.2) updates the charts after the connection is reestablished.

The problem is this: if I change the brick size from 10 pips to 5, and then from 5 to 10 again, I obtain a slightly different chart from previous, with reference to the last bricks, when the connection was lost.

When there are big moves right when the connection is lost (in particular during the asian session on EUR_JPY) the expert is not able to create correctly the renko graph. 

I don't know how to solve. 


Here you can see the problem.

This morning I see the graph on AUDUSD before the manual frefresh

 This is the new graph AFTER the manual refresh


 You see the last 4 bars are changed. I think the problem is originated from a connection failure during the asian session.

Is there the possibility to automatically refresh the graph when the connection is restored?