error 4051 modify error

sir i got  A ERROR modify error 4051 in this...
int start()
  int ticket;
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP ||OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP)


tp=OrderOpenPrice()+tpp*Point;   //int tpp=10,slp=20;

OrderModify(ticket,OrderOpenPrice(),sl,tp,0,0);   <<<<here problem lies
sir i got  A ERROR modify error 4051 in this...

If this fails . . .

ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), pot, 0.01, Ask, 3, 0, 0);

 . . .  what happens with the following code ?


READ THIS and USE IT :   What are Function return values ? How do I use them ?

int start(){
  int ticket;

  if(OrdersTotal()==0) ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),pot,0.01,Ask,3,0,0);

  OrderModify(ticket,OrderOpenPrice(),sl,tp,0,0);   <<<<here problem lies
  1. The first time through you open an order. Maybe.You DON'T CHECK. What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum
  2. The next time through OrdersTotal will be nonzero, so ticket REMAINS equal to zero and modify fails.
  3. Not adjusting for 4/5 digit brokers (tp, sl, AND slippage)

If this fails . . .

 . . .  what happens with the following code ?


READ THIS and USE IT :   What are Function return values ? How do I use them ?


invalid stoploss for order modify function..but my sl is 20pips down and take profit is 10 pips up..that is the thing..
  1. The first time through you open an order. Maybe.You DON'T CHECK. What are Function return values ? How do I use them ? - MQL4 forum
  2. The next time through OrdersTotal will be nonzero, so ticket REMAINS equal to zero and modify fails.
  3. Not adjusting for 4/5 digit brokers (tp, sl, AND slippage)

orderstotal is non zero as it places a buy order-i have checked that in journal...

should i place another variable instead of ticket??

and for most brokers minimum distance is 5 pips