investor passwords not working from metaquotes servers


Hi, i have set up some demo accts with my broker, they are not updating in page. Acct manager at Avafx has agreed to re-activate the investor passwords, but their are some that are apparently running off the metaquotes servers.

is there any way to re-activate those demo accts from the metaquotes servers?

if so, please let me know where to post the account numbers that need activation, and where i can send the email correspondence between myself and my acct manager at avafx broker fro better understanding or clarity of the problem..

thanking you,


So you have a couple of expired demo-accounts with Avafx and the Default-mt4 [download] Account. You want to re-activate them to publish on . Sorry, this forum isn't designed to handle such issues as this is a programming forum. Please direct your questions to Meta-Quotes I don't know what they'll be able to do for you.

thank you for the prompt reply,

Demos are not expired, still trading well on my PC's but ava tells me i have to contact metaquotes to get the investor pass to work. 

sorry for posting wrong and thanks for the link. WIll try to phone them then.



Hi, i have set up some demo accts with my broker, they are not updating in page. Acct manager at Avafx has agreed to re-activate the investor passwords, but their are some that are apparently running off the metaquotes servers.

is there any way to re-activate those demo accts from the metaquotes servers?

if so, please let me know where to post the account numbers that need activation, and where i can send the email correspondence between myself and my acct manager at avafx broker fro better understanding or clarity of the problem..

thanking you,


There is a problem with Ava FX, I can't even get demo works either, start reading from here Signal : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signal