Why some great coders and trading system developers are ignoring Metatrader 5? - page 3


 I am very excited to one day greet the day when I have covered all MQL4 coding fundamentals so I can simply breeze through coding in MQL5! The future is coming whether I wish for it or not. :) I simply wish to be prepared first so the transition is not so vast. BTW, I enjoyed reading this thread.

If you want to learn mql5 then you should do so now . . .  there is no logical progression from mql4 to mql5,  it's not evolution it's revolution.


I believe people are the reason why I do anything ;) With that said, if a forum has members which enjoy spending their time discussing a common interest of my own (MQL4), I'm'ma make it my home! Hahaha. Hold on, where's my mailbox? The MQL4 forum is like a neighborhood, gotta' be nice to the neighbors. :) I do enjoy reading this post but keep in mind, this forum is MQL4 not MQL5. The neighbors are probably not going to be "head-over-heels" reading all the hype about MQL5. You do have great points though.

Thank you.

newdigital: But ... for example ... do you know famous 10points EA, or Fozzy EA for MT4?
If I want to convert those EAs to MT5 so what can I do?
- I can pay money using Job service ... such as 500 or more credits for every new version :)
- or ask great coders to help me
"please ... please ...help" ...
they will reply: "common! common! no free lunch here" :) 

-I for one would like to see mt5 do well.
-However, I dis-agree with your above comment.
-The average job does-not cost $500. More like $50.
-How many Hours did it take you to built your Expert?
-Now how would you like to make $50 to make mines?
-Theres no money for developers with this mt4/5 setup.
-How do you expect to attract great developers?
-Users [Non-Developers] Complain,Complain,Complain
-Developers, Give,Give while the Users just Take
-Retail traders are Broke, or 95% last time I heard.
-Mt5 wants to Take-Over-The-World however
-Her Core-Users are not-yet ready to make the Leep
-Free Ea's you've mentioned do-not make money
-5% might get Lucky for a while but that's about it.
-Why would any1 make a Unlucky Profitable EA then Giveaway?
-The people making big-money with this setup are:
a) Brokers with their almost risk free spreads.
b) 5% traders who know what they're doing.
c) System sellers who are really good at Marketing.
-What does mt5 do for these people that mt4 does not?
-Sorry if I over generalized, or offended anyone, these JMO.


Ignoring MT5/MQL5 ? I don't think so ... 

1. Fundamentally, MQL4 is much easier and direct than MQL5. Although MQL5 is more complete, MQL5 is much more complex than MQL4 and in some cases not direct.

2. We can use one MT4 for many brokers, just simply add broker server IP to "server" filed in login windows or copy paste other broker .srv file to config folder.

3. Unlike Russian (and mql4 Chinese) section, English section welcome user from every country, culture and language. Culture and language is probably one of the wall that prevent user from involving actively in mql4 and mql5 - compared with Russian and Chinese section. 

4. The broker is one of the reason why English section of MQL4 is much busier than MQL5. Many broker still prefer to offer MT4 even though they also have MT5. MT5 is fundamentally different with MT4. While MT4 can accept multiple position and hedging, MT5 don't - so there's nothing special - in fact it actually not profitable -  in terms of making money with MT5. Many broker, reluctant to offer MT5 because they fear that potential client will choose another broker who still offer MT4.

Because of this, many user still visit mql4 than mql5 - including the number of rookie who wants to learn mql4 code.

Another reason is commercial EA. Many commercial EA is still written and updated in MQL4. These commercial EAs have about ten thousands customer. One commercial EA I know claim they have more than 30.000 customers - that's just one commercial EA. No broker will reject potential client simply because the client is using mql4 based EA. 


Hi ubzen, 

Free famous EAs are making money (do not want to upload the statements for now but I can if necessary).
But commercial EAs are not making money and that is why the vendors are selling them "for free as less as for 50 dollars - just buy and you will be a millionaire for few months" :)

I do not know about average job cost but I am sorry - I tried use Job to convert old MaksiGen indicator from MT4 to MT5 and I know the situation: >200; >500 ... and it was in russian version of Job ... Do you know Maksigen indicator? It is not 300+ lines just for sure - much less. Yes, good coder converted it, and I placed this MT5 version to CodeBase. 

But I am talking about public development.

- In which way famous coders (do not want to mention the names) became well-known coders?
- Do you think - they came to any forum 10 or more years ago, and everybody said to them "Hello buddy" ? Not. No one knew about them in very beginning.
- But for now? For now - they are very famous MT4 coders, and some of them are legendary guys.
- If they say now: "This EA is profitable" - so everybody will go and buy EA (for example). Because everybody trust them more than any forward testing statement
- How they became a famous? They did public development on the forums. They developed indicators and EAs for free by many versions by creating the threads on the forums.
- Why they gone from free development some years ago? They decided to create their own forums/businesses/ services? Why? They did not have any possibilty to continue to make money - there were no any Signals service and Market service in that time.
- Why they are not interesting in MT5? They are having their own businesses/forums/services. They decided "to convert" their MT4 coders' reputation onto their business related to MT4.
- So, why MT5 is providing more opportunity than MT4 in this case? If some coder wants to repeat the way/destiny of any great coder so he can easy do it using MT5. Why? No competition for now: coast is clear.
- why MT5 is better than MT4? MT4 is finishing but MT5 is just started. It will be more oppotunities with MT5 with less competition.
- if leading MT4 forums (i am not talking about mql4.com) will not be moved by activity onto MT5 (but they will not) so what will be happened with them? Those leading MT4 forums will be dead.
- Why leading MT4 forums will be dead? Famous coders (who created good content for them and became famous guys because of that) left any public development and any forum, but new generation is just asking and asking, asking and asking me on this thread :)


1. Fundamentally, MQL4 is much easier and direct than MQL5. Although MQL5 is more complete, MQL5 is much more complex than MQL4 and in some cases not direct.

2. We can use one MT4 for many brokers, just simply add broker server IP to "server" filed in login windows or copy paste other broker .srv file to config folder.

3. The broker is one of the reason why English section of MQL4 is much busier than MQL5. Many broker still prefer to offer MT4 even though they also have MT5. MT5 is fundamentally different with MT4. While MT4 can accept multiple position and hedging, MT5 can't. Many broker, reluctant to offer MT5 because they fear that potential client will choose another broker who still offer MT4.

Another reason is commercial EA. Many commercial EA is still written and updated in MQL4. These commercial EAs have about ten thousands customer. One commercial EA I know claim they have more than 30.000 customers - that's just one commercial EA. No broker will reject potential client simply because the client is using mql4 based EA. 

Yes, brokers. But I think - the main reason is public content: mql4 is more developed by free content than mql5.

People here in mql4 (and on many other MT4 forums) did great public developments and created good content.

For example: I forward tested and traded about 100 Eas for MT4 using 5 dedicated servers - I did it for few years for some forum uploading the statements.
Can I do it for MT5? Not. Because no EAs to forward test for MT5 ... no free content. There are some indicators and EAs in MT5 CodeBase but traders did not ask the coders to create those indicators and EAs - no one discussed those MT5 tools by good threads on the forum before those tools were created, and no any trader asked to create those tools.

Content for MT4? Content for MT4 was created by coders according to the traders' public requests. Coders created content for MT4 because people wanted/asked, and as a result -  coders became a famous, people received a lot of indicators and EAs for free, forum owners got impressions for banners, commercial vendors received their potential clients, and MT4 brokers got many clients too. Because of free development only. I mean: public development of free content for MT4.

That is why MT4 section is more busy.
This is nothig with any commercial activity.


Well how about some facts. I toke just the top 3 programmers on jobs. Check out their recent jobs and Credits received.

1) _Techno_ 2)abolk and 3)Wahoo

I don't think there's a single $500 job in the lists above.

Free famous EAs are making money (do not want to upload the statements for now but I can if necessary).

Go ahead and show a 2-year statement on a Real-Account. And free Expert used to produce it.

In which way famous coders (do not want to mention the names) became well-known coders?

If they're famous go-ahead and mention their names. More publicity for them. More money they'll make according to you.

- Why leading MT4 forums will be dead? Famous coders (who created good content for them and became famous guys because of that) left any public development and any forum, but new generation is just asking and asking, asking and asking me on this thread :)

So let me get this right. The famous coder made free Experts which makes money up-til Today. Left the public life and decided to sell Experts/Forum/Services which does-not make money. Forums will be dead because new guys like [me on this thread] wouldn't provide public development with free programs and wouldn't move to mt5. But somehow the New-Guys are asking you for something on this thread?

However you with the freebie stuff which makes money, [very much doubt you're developer], seem to care about and asking why developers wouldn't produce more free stuff within public developments?

Are you gonna back-up your claims with some facts, websites, names, publishing etc? After all what do you/they have to lose?


Well how about some facts. I toke just the top 3 programmers on jobs. Check out their recent jobs and Credits received.

1) _Techno_ 2)abolk and 3)Wahoo

I don't think there's a single $500 job in the lists above.

Go ahead and show a 2-year statement on a Real-Account. And free Expert used to produce it.

If they're famous go-ahead and mention their names. More publicity for them. More money they'll make according to you.

So let me get this right. The famous coder made free Experts which makes money up-til Today. Left the public life and decided to sell Experts/Forum/Services which does-not make money. Forums will be dead because new guys like [me on this thread] wouldn't provide public development with free programs and wouldn't move to mt5. But somehow the New-Guys are asking you for something on this thread?

However you with the freebie stuff which makes money, [very much doubt you're developer], seem to care about and asking why developers wouldn't produce more free stuff within public developments?

Are you gonna back-up your claims with some facts, websites, names, publishing etc? After all what do you/they have to lose?

You can see:

This is totally wrong:

So let me get this right. The famous coder made free Experts which makes money up-til Today. Left the public life and decided to sell Experts/Forum/Services whichdoes-not make money. Forums will be dead because new guys like [me on this thread] wouldn't provide public development with free programs and wouldn't move to mt5. But somehow the New-Guys are asking you for something on this thread? 

I do not have the statements for EAs for real accounts. I have demo accounts.
Yes, 2 years and more (forward testing statement).
Famous what? EAs or guys? I am famous for example :) :)
I do not want to re-post Eas and the statements from one forex forum (where I was admin for 7 years) to this forex forum.

By the way ... as I remember - I created few Eas too ... and one my indicator is in mql4 codebase here ... uploaded by someone few years ago ... forgot the name - KGSB indicator or KGB indicator ... some kind of digital dilter for example.
So, I should be legendary guy too :) :)

Are you gonna back-up your claims with some facts, websites, names, publishing etc? After all what do you/they have to lose?

Facts to prove to you? I do not know you ... but you know me (i hope so).
I was admin of some forum since 2005. "Some" forum was empty in 2005 when I started to be admin there. I finished with "some" forum in December of 2012.
It is 2013 for now, right? So, go and see - the forum is full of good free content developed the guys for free. Why main supporters left? We did not have Job service and Market service.
I mean: coders and developers created good content on the way I explained on this thread. It was some part of my job.

Are you really do not know who was newdigital on TSD or I should prove my identity? :) :)

I was talking about my personal experience since 2005.

MT4 forex forums are going to be dead soon or later. Just one forex forum is doing good: FF forum. Why? Go there and see - they are making good public developments/content.

So, my proposal - let's "back to the future" - let's move to MT5 to be the first in any situation.


... I do enjoy reading this post but keep in mind, this forum is MQL4 not MQL5. The neighbors are probably not going to be "head-over-heels" reading all the hype about MQL5 ...

Hi WhooDoo22,

Yes, I understand  that my thread is not very welcome here because this is mql4 not mql5.
But you know - too boring - nothing is moved - silence everywhere ...
I have a feeling that MT4 forums are dying


All talk and no substance. You have the wrong forum buddy. On mql4.com we don't care about Legendary [Wanna-be's]. We code our own and help others learn to code. Seems you have allot of time on your hands now that you're no longer Admin of Some [whatever] forum. I asked you for facts and you respond with job request images with budget between $100-$1000.

If you wanted to encourage mql5 free development project, you've sure pick the wrong method for accomplishing that. Not to mention you're preaching to the wrong choir. Anyways, I'll keep using mql4.com & mt4 until it's no longer available. As far as freebies, sorry buddy, there are no Slaves here.