I want to ask about trading condition - page 2

i repair it . but if i write this it will like first code 
Can't you simply answer my question first  ?
Can't you simply answer my question first  ?

what yours answer. I write this because i want to write code If have a Green Bar Over up SMA 200. I will Buy. and else. so that i ask everybody how to write code candkle Bar. And you always answer a new  question. If i know i don't need to ask T_T

what yours answer. I write this because i want to write code If have a Green Bar Over up SMA 200. I will Buy. and else. so that i ask everybody how to write code candkle Bar. And you always answer a new  question. If i know i don't need to ask T_T

OK,  so if you don't know you have 2 options,  Learn:  Book  or Pay:  MT4 & MT5 coding

I was trying to help you learn but you just wan't your coding done for you so I suggest you place a job and pay . . . 


OK, vì vậy nếu bạn không biết bạn có 2 lựa chọn, hiểu:   Sách   hoặc Thanh toán:   MT4 & MT5 mã hóa

Tôi đã cố gắng để giúp bạn học nhưng bạn chỉ wan't mã hóa của bạn thực hiện cho bạn, vì vậy tôi đề nghị bạn đặt một công việc và trả tiền. . . 

I want to learn how to write. Not buy. i like write code :). I will try and never quit althought it hardly

I want to learn how to write. Not buy. i like write code :). I will try and never quit althought it hardly
If you want to learn then you must have a logical reason for writing the code in the way you have done . . .  by trying to answer my question you are forced to think about your reasoning,  you will either know why you did it or you not,  either way you will learn in the act of thinking about it.
Nếu bạn muốn tìm hiểu thì bạn phải có một lý do hợp lý để viết mã theo cách mà bạn đã làm. . . bằng cách cố gắng để trả lời câu hỏi của tôi bạn buộc phải suy nghĩ về lý luận của bạn, hoặc là bạn sẽ biết lý do tại sao bạn đã làm nó hoặc bạn không, hoặc là cách bạn sẽ được học trong hành động suy nghĩ về nó.

ok But your question i can't anwser because i'm new guy . You can help me a basic code . I need i must learn alot
Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt and the nature of your problem.

ok But your question i can't anwser because i'm new guy . You can help me a basic code . I need i must learn alot
Yes . . .  start now and you will learn more sooner than if you start next week, next month, next year . . .