Cycle Operator 'for' questions - page 9



Just study the basics first. One cannot write a Book unless he/she knows their ABC's.

See,  now ubzen is giving you good advice  . . .  please feel free to ignore me,  but please listen to him  ;-)
See,  now ubzen is giving you good advice  . . .  please feel free to ignore me,  but please listen to him  ;-)
Sorry for taking on your Pupil ;-) but after 7_Pages I guess I just couldn't help it.
Sorry for taking on you Pupil ;-) but after 7_Pages I guess I just couldn't help it.

Please,  be my guest . . .  carry on,  I need a break . . .  couple of months should be enough,  thanks for volunteering  :-)
Please,  be my guest . . .  carry on,  I need a break . . .  couple of months should be enough,  thanks for volunteering  :-)

Meh, dunno about that. The standard response "Read the Book and don't Skip Chapters" would have suffice a long time ago. But at least you tried :-). 
Meh, dunno about that. The standard response "Read the Book and don't Skip Chapters" would have suffice a long time ago. But at least you tried :-). 
The Book is OK,  but it is also lacking in some basic foundation type areas . . . but that is to be expected as it's focussed on mql4 not programming in general.
The Book is OK,  but it is also lacking in some basic foundation type areas . . . but that is to be expected as it's focussed on mql4 not programming in general.

I generally taught that the mql4-book was a decent compromise. People don't even want-to spend the time on that but rather throw a bunch of codes together and cross their fingers. Do you really believe that asking them to get an intro-to, programming, computer-science and algebra would motivate them? 
I generally taught that the mql4-book was a decent compromise. People don't even want-to spend the time on that but rather throw a bunch of codes together and cross their fingers. Do you really believe that asking them to get an intro-to, programming, computer-science and algebra would motivate them ? 
Nope,  I don't . . .  but those that don't want to try and do it the correct and most efficient way have no chance,  the rest of us are more fortunate as we have an incredibly slim chance,  but that is infinitely better than no chance at all ;-) 

Also bear in mind that I don't come here to motivate people,  if they need motivating by me or anyone else on this forum then they have picked a task that is way, way beyond them.  I come here to help those that want to learn and want to write code that works,  even if the system they are following is crazy.  

Well designed, well written code that works is what this forum is about,  isn't it ?
Nope,  I don't . . .  but those that don't want to try and do it the correct and most efficient way have no chance,  the rest of us are more fortunate as we have an incredibly slim chance,  but that is infinitely better than no chance at all ;-) 

Also bear in mind that I don't come here to motivate people,  if they need motivating by me or anyone else on this forum then they have picked a task that is way, way beyond them.  I come here to help those that want to learn and want to write code that works,  even if the system they are following is crazy.  

Well designed, well written code that works is what this forum is about,  isn't it ?



  • binary
  • hexadecimal
  • basic boolean algebra 
  • what is an algorithm
  • flowcharts 
  • variables and types of variables
  • conditions
  • loops
  • arrays and sorting arrays
  • basics of handling strings 

binary: zeros and ones, Computer language.

hexadecimal: hexadecimal is the combination of letters and numbers (letters A-F and numbers 0-9) the starting point is 0x or 0X (not case sensitive).

basic boolean algebra: uses truth values of zero and one. Operations are typically conjunction laws.

algorithm: A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, esp. by a computer.

flowchart: this typically shows an algorithm process (algorithm and flowchart are usually related).

variables: variables are string format and can represent constants (constants are just simple digits) an example of a variable type is bool, double, int, string,etc.

conditions: I use these frequently when writing programs. An 'if' statement could be classified as a 'condition operator'.

loops: I believe a more favorable term would be 'cycles'. An example would be 'for' and 'while' cycle operators.

arrays and sorting arrays: An array is a "track" with sections. Each section holds a value. Values begin with 0 and continue as such: 0,1,2,3,etc.

basics of handling strings: I believe a more valuable usage for this would be java. MQL4 seems to simply require use of parentheses "" to identify string content. Example: "string".

Inexperience or weaker points include:

1. basic boolean algebra. My history does not posses a period of study dedicated to the subject however I did have experience studying algebra.

2. loops. I do understand 'while' cycle execution however I do not have 'for' cycle execution memorized.

3. arrays. I do have understanding of arrays however I do not have experience using two, three, etc. dimensional arrays.

All the rest I would consider understood.

Volume II requires proper use of the OrderSelect() function and the ability to save its values in case terminal-to-server connection is lost. Both are essential and must be written by a mind possessing required knowledge of both. Algorithmic and arithmetical aspects of Volume II and their coding formats are understood. Both are currently being perfected in the mind and in code.

I fixed the "invalid ticket" error for the coding exercise you advised me to complete. I attached a copy of the expert advisor for your personal viewing.

OrderClose() function section of this exercise I believe to be complete.

Print() function section of this exercise I believe to be complete.

All I believe remaing is the third section, OrderModify() function.

Thank you.