How to test program during weekend? How to manage manual orders in program?


Hi all:

I have two questions.

1. How to test program during weekend? how to launch start() when there is no tick coming through?

2. If I manually open an order, I want the prgram to take over and manage the order. 

 In another case, when the program is running, and I open an order manually, can the program catch the action and take over the order management?





1. How to test program during weekend? how to launch start() when there is no tick coming through?

2. If I manually open an order, I want the prgram to take over and manage the order. 

1) Tick_Sender.

2) Managers.

Also, don't forget the Back-Tester and the Code-Base. 


Hi ubzen,

Having seen your post regarding testing on weekend would like to know from you about these issues;

At weekends the spread is so large that seems to be impracticable to  get the testing.

The file that you send the link from is to get the tester to work, right ?

Thank you in advance



Hi ubzen,

Having seen your post regarding testing on weekend would like to know from you about these issues;

At weekends the spread is so large that seems to be impracticable to  get the testing.

The file that you send the link from is to get the tester to work, right ?

Thank you in advance



I pm you a link for a spread controller.