ONLY CANDLE / BAR - How to catalog or segregate Candle? - PLEASE CORRECT ME! - page 4


I have a feeling we lose a little bit control over the code....


        if ( SignalBULL62Executed) CheckForClose_BULL6();       // I don't know it is the right place to close

No, this is for sure not the right place.


   int    result;
   if (result == -1)
      int e = GetLastError();

This 'error handling' does not make anything better. Check it again.


bool Fun_New_Bar()                              // bool             

   static datetime New_Time=0;      

This is not created for fun! It should be used to reset the executed flags on a new bar.



What have we learned about comparing doubles and whether this makes any sense here?


So you have decided to delete your post I am referencing to... Well done, that's very helpful !


Sorry but yesterday was problem in internet ( stop working). I was try correct something and ...  collapse

#define MAGICMA1  2000        // blue starategy
#define MAGICMA2  2001        // red strategy

//| Check NEW BAR                                |
bool New_Bar = false;

bool Fun_New_Bar()                              // bool             

   static datetime New_Time=0;      

//| Calculate open positions    HOW MEANY OF THIS is open   |

//--- FOR BLUE---------------------------------------------------------
int OpenOrders_BULL4(string symbol)
   int buys=0;

   for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; 
      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA1)    // magic ma 1 ( is ==)
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buys++;
//--- FOR RED--------------------------------------------------------------
int OpenOrders_BULL6(string symbol)
   int buys=0;

   for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; 
      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA2)    // magic ma 2 ( is ==)
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buys++;

//| Condition candle                                                 |
bool BULL4()
   if(Close[1]-Open[1]>=4*Point && Close[1]-Open[1]<=5*Point)

bool BULL6()
   if(Close[1]-Open[1]>=6*Point && Close[1]-Open[1]<=7*Point)
//| Check for open order conditions                                  |
//--------------------------- blue bull4 magicma1 
void OpenBULL41()
   int    result;
    if (result == -1)
      int e = GetLastError();
void OpenBULL42()
   int    result;
   for(int i=1;i<=OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; 
      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA1)    // magic ma 1 ( is ==)
          if (result == -1)
             int e = GetLastError();
//--------------------------- red bull6 magicma2 
void OpenBULL61()
   int    result;
   if (result == -1)
      int e = GetLastError();
void OpenBULL62()
   int    result;
    if (result == -1)
      int e = GetLastError();

void OpenBULL63()
   int    result;
    if (result == -1)
      int e = GetLastError();
//| Check for close order conditions                                 |

void CheckForClose_BULL4()

   if(OrderOpenPrice()+4*Point< Ask)
   for (int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0;i--)          // add: -1
      if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()&& OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA1) 
         bool ticket = true;
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) ticket = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,1,Blue);


void CheckForClose_BULL6()

   if(OrderOpenPrice()+8*Point< Ask)
   for (int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0;i--)
      if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()&& OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA2) 
         bool ticket = true;
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) ticket = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,1,Red);

//| flag                               |
if (New_Bar==false);
bool SignalBULL41Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL42Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL61Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL62Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL63Executed=false;


//| Start function                                 |
void start()
// ----------------bull4
  if(!SignalBULL41Executed && OpenOrders_BULL4(Symbol())==0)
    OpenBULL41();//do open buy position
    if ( SignalBULL41Executed) CheckForClose_BULL4();       // I don't know it is the right place to close
  if(!SignalBULL42Executed && OpenOrders_BULL4(Symbol())==1)
    OpenBULL42();//do open buy position
        if ( SignalBULL42Executed) CheckForClose_BULL4();       // I don't know it is the right place to close
// ----------------bull6  
  if(!SignalBULL61Executed && OpenOrders_BULL6(Symbol())==0)
    OpenBULL61();//do open buy position
        if ( SignalBULL61Executed) CheckForClose_BULL6();       // I don't know it is the right place to close
  if(!SignalBULL62Executed && OpenOrders_BULL6(Symbol())==1)
    OpenBULL62();//do open buy position
        if ( SignalBULL62Executed) CheckForClose_BULL6();       // I don't know it is the right place to close
  if(!SignalBULL63Executed && OpenOrders_BULL6(Symbol())==2)
    OpenBULL63();//do open buy position
        if ( SignalBULL62Executed) CheckForClose_BULL6();       // I don't know it is the right place to close


It is not easy to help you. Why won't you try to implement only one strategy for now, but with a proper, Open(), Close(), Count(), NewBar(), Signal() function.

The below block is outside of the start function. I am not sure this is wanted.

if (New_Bar==false);               // <-- ???
bool SignalBULL41Executed=false;   // <-- This could be correct, but I am not sure you know why and
bool SignalBULL42Executed=false;   //     its not more an accident that you initalize it here.
bool SignalBULL61Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL62Executed=false;
bool SignalBULL63Executed=false;

if(Fun_New_Bar())                  // <-- Your Fun_New_Bar() function doesn't return anything,
{                                  //     you set the global New_Bar variable with the function. 
   SignalBULL41Executed=true;      // <-- You should set it to false on a new bar.    
   return(SignalBULL41Executed);   // <-- ???

I think the same as You, small steps. Let's take just one option BULL4
Sometimes looking like Ea to my on codebase - interesting

I understand these (but not feel), i'ts a flag and I understand its purpose

 What dou you think? about small steps

#define MAGICMA1  2000        // blue starategy

//| Check NEW BAR                                |

//| Calculate open positions    HOW MEANY OF THIS is open   |

int OpenOrders_BULL4(string symbol)
   int buys=0;

   for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; 
      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA1)   
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buys++;
//| Condition candle                                                 |
bool BULL4()
   if(Close[1]-Open[1]>=4*Point && Close[1]-Open[1]<=5*Point)
//| Condition send buy                                                 |
bool BULL4send()
   if( Bid==Close[1]+3*Point)
//| Check for open order conditions                                  |

bool OpenBULL41()
      int    result;

            if(OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print("BUY order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice());
            Print("Error opening BUY order : ",GetLastError()); 
//| Check for close order conditions                                 |

//| Start function                                 |
void start()
// ----------------bull4
   if(BULL4() && BULL4send() && OpenOrders_BULL4(Symbol())==0)             

       OpenBULL41();//do open buy position

Yes, small steps, so the errors are manageable...
Do you want to highlight something specific from the codebase EA?

I wont see this again - I will not help you anymore if you further ignore the correction steps, I - or someone else - has adviced to do:

if( Bid==Close[1]+3*Point)


Slippage is 0? You'll probably get an error. But the fixed error handling will catch it :-)



This is not wrong, but not ideal and in a worst case it does not what you want inside the loop. Best, don't even start using loops from 0 to OrdersTotal. Read this: Loops and Closing or Deleting Orders

for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)


What is your brokers spread and how many digits do you have for the symbol you want to trade? I am not sure you use Point correctly (Read on the first page of your thread). 


Yes, small steps, so the errors are manageable...
Do you want to highlight something specific from the codebase EA?

I think no, nothing to light, I understand what I wrote.

I wont see this again - I will not help you anymore if you further ignore the correction steps, I - or someone else - has adviced to do:

Yes.  I know what do NormalizeDouble, I thing that I understand ( if I have: euro/usd = 1.2390022129.....09.... And we need: 1,29893 end! not infinity ) but I cant write these, could be these?

 if (      NormalizeDouble  (  abc(),0  )      )

bool abc()


         bool z,y,z;





or ? 


If ( NormalizeDouble ((Close[1]-Bid) +3*point),0 ) ;


Slippage is 0? You'll probably get an error. But the fixed error handling will catch it :-)

I can have +1 no problem result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.41,Ask,  ,Close[1]-25*Point,0,"",MAGICMA1,0,Blue);

error will handling, good, we see what will be after

This is not wrong, but not ideal and in a worst case it does not what you want inside the loop. Best, don't even start using loops from 0 to OrdersTotal. Read this: Loops and Closing or Deleting Orders

VERY GOOD ARTICLE !  I sholud read these at begining :)


What is your brokers spread and how many digits do you have for the symbol you want to trade? I am not sure you use Point correctly (Read on the first page of your thread). 

I remember these.  I have Admiral Market Bid=1,29000 Ask = 1,29001. These is a problem I know,, but I do not have resolution at these moment I not found the good example.


I'm writing code...



Yes.  I know what do NormalizeDouble, I thing that I understand ( if I have: euro/usd = 1.2390022129.....09.... And we need: 1,29893 end! not infinity ) but I cant write these, could be these?

if (      NormalizeDouble  (  abc(),0  )      )

bool abc()


You can't NormalizeDouble() a bool,  the clue is in the function name and in the documentation too . . .  

double NormalizeDouble(double valueint digits)


You can't NormalizeDouble() a bool,  the clue is in the function name and in the documentation too . . .  

It's a pitty we cannot normalize true to be very true :-(


Yes. I know what do NormalizeDouble, I thing that I understand ( if I have: euro/usd = 1.2390022129.....09.... And we need: 1,29893 end! not infinity ) but I cant write these, could be these?

No, you don't have to normalize Bid or Close[1]. What I meant is, you should just not compare it for equality.

Close[1] = 1.31933
Tick1, Bid = 1.31935
Tick2, Bid = 1.31934 
Tick3, Bid = 1.31937
Tick4, Bid = 1.31937
Tick5, Bid = 1.31942 

Your code does look for a Tick where Bid is 1.31936  

if( Bid==Close[1]+3*Point)

You'll miss your signal. This would not happen, if you use > . 


I can have +1 no problem result=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.41,Ask, 1 ,Close[1]-25*Point,0,"",MAGICMA1,0,Blue);

This doesn't make it much better. All your calculation in Points should be Pips from my understanding. However, I have no experience with ECN brokers, so it might work.



This is not wrong, but not ideal and in a worst case it does not what you want inside the loop. Best, don't even start using loops from 0 to OrdersTotal. Read this: Loops and Closing or Deleting Orders

VERY GOOD ARTICLE ! I sholud read these at begining :)

Agree and there are many very good articles more, written by the same author. Also the book is not a bad place to start.



I have Admiral Market Bid=1,29000 Ask = 1,29001. These is a problem I know,, but I do not have resolution at these moment I not found the good example.

On your brokers website is stated, that for EURUSD, the minimal spread is 0,1. The average spread is 0,5. <-- This is meant in pips! So 0,1 is 1 Point. 0,5 is 5 Points.
So in your case, one Pip is 10*Point. The spread will confuse all your mini calculation where you add only 3 points to a price.
Search for 'adjust for 5 digit broker' and you should find a lot of examples.


HI :)


If this code was bad because I was passing signals, it has improved. I thought that the problem is entirely in a different place, not in the sign of equality '=='.........    the '>=' is better idea of course

if( Bid==Close[1]+3*Point)
if( Bid>=Close[1]+MyPips*3)

 Question 1. Do I have use MyPips in candle, in these function? bool BULL4()


DIGIT problem.

I found these    by WHRoeder  by WHRoeder

What is Digit ? in  and

Because you are the expert I should have said something, it might be important.
Now I use the MT4 platform and I see 4 digits after the decimal point (Bid-Ask = 0.0001 usualy). At the moment we programmed in MQL4 let it be.
In MT5, I see 5 digits after the decimal point. threre is differs betwen MQL4 and MQL5. At the moment this spreed does not matter to me. Important to our EA worked well.
I do not want at this time to talk about it (unless necessary)



AND I WROTE PROGRAM for me is good :) how about You?

#define MAGICMA1  2000        // blue starategy

//| Check NEW BAR                                |

// nothing yet, one moment

//| These are adjusted for 5/4 digit brokers                           |

double  MyPips;        // slippage and others

int init()
    if (Digits == 5)    // Adjust for five (5) 
    else                // Adjust for four (4, and ..)
//| Calculate open positions    HOW MEANY OF THIS is open   |

int OpenOrders_BULL4(string symbol)
   int buys=0;

   for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; 
      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA1)   
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) buys++;
//| Condition candle                                                 |
bool BULL4()
   if(Close[1]-Open[1]>=4*Point && Close[1]-Open[1]<=5*Point)

//| Condition send buy                                                 |
bool BULL4send()
   if( Bid>=Close[1]+MyPips*3)
//| Check for open order conditions                                  |

bool OpenBULL41()
      int    result;

            if(OrderSelect(result,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print("BUY order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice());
            Print("Error opening BUY order : ",GetLastError()); 
//| Check for close order conditions                                 |

bool CheckForCloseBULL4()
   int i;
      if( ! OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) continue;
         if( OrderMagicNumber() == MAGICMA1 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()  && OrderType() == OP_BUY )
            if(OrderOpenPrice()+8*MyPips < Ask) return(true);
   else return(false);

//|  close                               |

void CloseBULL4()
   int i;   
      if( ! OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) continue;  
      if( OrderMagicNumber() == MAGICMA1 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()  && OrderType() == OP_BUY )  
         if ( ! OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), MyPips*1,Black ) )               
            Print("Order Close failed, order number: ", OrderTicket(), " Error: ", GetLastError() );  

//| Start function                                 |
void start()
// ----------------bull4
   if(BULL4() && BULL4send() && OpenOrders_BULL4(Symbol())==0)             

       OpenBULL41();//do open buy position
   if(CheckForCloseBULL4()==true && OpenOrders_BULL4(Symbol())==1) CloseBULL4();   