how to protect my code ?

because i wish to running ea on free vps server.

i had google for it,

1. password protection

2. trial period protection

3. limited account number protection

4. limited account type protection


 i had seem one protection is deleting code or hidden it,

where should i delete or hidden the code ? 


or using dll to protect it ... 

how to use dll to protect it ?

because i wish to running ea on free vps server.

your best bet would be using dll.
albert_lim83: how to use dll to protect it ? 
The mql4 uses ArrayCopyRates() to pass the chart (and what ever else needed) to the DLL. The DLL returns commands back to the Mql4 and it opens, modifies, closes the trades. You rewrite all the trading into C and compile it to the DLL.
Here's how to code dll for MT4
Here's how to code dll for MT4

The mql4 uses ArrayCopyRates() to pass the chart (and what ever else needed) to the DLL. 
The DLL returns commands back to the Mql4 and it opens, modifies, closes the trades. You rewrite all the trading into C and compile it to the DLL.

your best bet would be using dll.
thanks for the guide.