Have the open price of candle at specific hour. - page 4


Sorry really,

I have only that but it's true i forget "UpdateHSeSpeciales".

It's called in "init" when program begin.

OK,  I have tested that function and it seems to work OK.


To make life easier and a little more certain why don't you do this . . .

extern string     Heures="09:00;15:00;19:00;23:00;";

datetime          HeureSH[];   // datetime NOT string

   if (HeureSH( iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,0),TIME_MINUTES) )  // pass datetime to HeureSH

void UpdateHSeSpeciales()
   string hour1 = "";
   int count1 = 0;
   for(int k = 0; k < StringLen(Heures); k++)
      if(StringSubstr(Heures, k, 1) != ";")
         hour1 = hour1 + StringSubstr(Heures, k, 1);
         ArrayResize(HeureSH, ArraySize(HeureSH)+1);
         HeureSH[count1] = StrToTime(hour1);  //  convert string to datetime
         hour1 ="";
         count1 +=1;

bool HeureSH(datetime now1)  // parameter is a datetime
   for(int k = 0; k < ArraySize(HeureSH); k++)
      if(now1 == HeureSH[k])

 so instead of working with strings you are working with datetimes ?