Insert values to MT4 DAT files



i would like to ask if anyone ever tried to insert values using an external application to MT4 dat files?

If yes, was there any problems with the access of the files, since they were used from the Service?

Im trying to create an application in C++ that will insert values in MT4, but i would like some info first.

Thank you



i would like to ask if anyone ever tried to insert values using an external application to MT4 dat files?

If yes, was there any problems with the access of the files, since they were used from the Service?

Im trying to create an application in C++ that will insert values in MT4, but i would like some info first.

Thank you

Why don't you do that right now ?. Open and read the content of those .dat files with notepad (Text document) and then - also using notepad - manually change its value.

Thank you for your reply phi.nuts.

The thing is that i dont want to change the values manually but automatically!

My concern is that Windows 2008 doesn't allow to additional processes to access a file that is already used from another process.

If i make an application that will use the files isnt going to cause troubles to MT4?

Thank you