GetSystemPowerStatus dll import



I would like import the kernell32.dll function GetSystemPowerStatus to know if I am running on UPS in case of a power loss.

The problem is that the function receives a pointer to a struct to write the output to:

BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus( _Out_  LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus ); 

typedef struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS {
  BYTE  ACLineStatus;
  BYTE  BatteryFlag;
  BYTE  BatteryLifePercent;
  BYTE  Reserved1;
  DWORD BatteryLifeTime;
  DWORD BatteryFullLifeTime; 

What is the correct way to import and use this kind of function in metatrader?




I would like import the kernell32.dll function GetSystemPowerStatus to know if I am running on UPS in case of a power loss.

The problem is that the function receives a pointer to a struct to write the output to:

What is the correct way to import and use this kind of function in metatrader?


Some part of this article show how to import a structure in file operation

BTW, if you want to get free help for some WinAPI programming, you should also give a link to msdn, so the person who answer you don't have to go through msdn just to help you.

GetSystemPowerStatus function

SystemPowerStatus structure 

AFAIK, GetSystemPowerStatus is for notebook with battery, not for PC with UPS.



I would like import the kernell32.dll function GetSystemPowerStatus to know if I am running on UPS in case of a power loss.

What is the correct way to import and use this kind of function in metatrader?
  1. GetSystemPowerStatus is for notebook with battery, not for PC with UPS. On a UPS the PC doesn't see a power glitch.
  2. If the power is out, do you still have a Internet connection? I don't mean unplugging the PC. I mean, the up stream ISP's routers will be down also depending on the size of the outage.
  3. I personally don't worry about those things. The SL is in place. If I'm not using a real TP, I implement a leading TP (opposite of a trailing SL) so if I loose connection the order will be closed.
  4. Here's the code based on my quick read:
Not compiled Not tested.
 * BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus( _Out_ LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus ); 
 *  typedef struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS {
 *    BYTE  ACLineStatus;                       [0]
 *    BYTE  BatteryFlag;
 *    BYTE  BatteryLifePercent;
 *    BYTE  Reserved1;
 *    DWORD BatteryLifeTime;                    [1]
 *    DWORD BatteryFullLifeTime;                [2]
#import "kernel32.dll"
bool GetSystemPowerStatus(int& SPSinfoArray[]);
int SPSinfoArray[3];
bool GetSPSinfo(){  return( GetSystemPowerStatus(SPSinfoArray) );   }
                                                    #define ACLS_OFFLINE      0
                                                    #define ACLS_ONLINE       1
                                                    #define ACLS_UNKNOWN    255
int ACLineStatus(){         return( SPSinfoArray[0]&0xF         );  }
                                                    #define BF_NOTCHARGING    0
                                                    #define BF_66PCT          1
                                                    #define BF_33PCT          2
                                                    #define BF_05PCT          4
                                                    #define BF_CHARGING       8
                                                    #define BF_NOBATTERY    128
                                                    #define BF_UNKNOWN      255
int BatteryFlag(){          return((SPSinfoArray[0]&0xF0 ) >> 8 );  }
                                                    #define BLP_UNKNOWN     255
int BatteryLifePercent(){   return((SPSinfoArray[0]&0xF00) >> 16);  }
                                                    #define BLT_UNKNOWN     -1
int BatteryLifeTime(){      return( SPSinfoArray[1] );  } // Seconds remaining.
                                                    #define BFLT_UNKNOWN    -1
int BatteryFullLifeTime(){  return( SPSinfoArray[2] );  } // Seconds when Full.
Not compiled Not tested.

Thanks for the quick response.
Next time I will post the direct links to the MSDN documentation.
My UPS is connected via USB cable and treated by windows as a "laptop battery" :), so this should work for me very well. 


The router is connected to the UPS as well.


Here is the corrected code. There was a mistake in the MASK.
BTW, I am getting the value 9 for BatteryFlag(). Didn't find any documentation about it... 

 * BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus( _Out_ LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus ); 
 *  typedef struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS {
 *    BYTE  ACLineStatus;                       [0]
 *    BYTE  BatteryFlag;
 *    BYTE  BatteryLifePercent;
 *    BYTE  Reserved1;
 *    DWORD BatteryLifeTime;                    [1]
 *    DWORD BatteryFullLifeTime;                [2]
#import "kernel32.dll"
bool GetSystemPowerStatus(int& SPSinfoArray[]);
int SPSinfoArray[3];
bool GetSPSinfo(){  return( GetSystemPowerStatus(SPSinfoArray) );   }
                                                    #define ACLS_OFFLINE      0
                                                    #define ACLS_ONLINE       1
                                                    #define ACLS_UNKNOWN    255
int ACLineStatus(){         return( SPSinfoArray[0]&0xFF         );  }
                                                    #define BF_NOTCHARGING    0
                                                    #define BF_66PCT          1
                                                    #define BF_33PCT          2
                                                    #define BF_05PCT          4
                                                    #define BF_CHARGING       8
                                                    #define BF_NOBATTERY    128
                                                    #define BF_UNKNOWN      255
int BatteryFlag(){          return((SPSinfoArray[0]&0xFF00 ) >> 8 );  }
                                                    #define BLP_UNKNOWN     255
int BatteryLifePercent(){   return((SPSinfoArray[0]&0xFF0000) >> 16);  }
                                                    #define BLT_UNKNOWN     -1
int BatteryLifeTime(){      return( SPSinfoArray[1] );  } // Seconds remaining.
                                                    #define BFLT_UNKNOWN    -1
int BatteryFullLifeTime(){  return( SPSinfoArray[2] );  } // Seconds when Full.

Here is the corrected code. There was a mistake in the MASK.
BTW, I am getting the value 9 for BatteryFlag(). Didn't find any documentation about it...

  1. Byte: 0xFF. Needed more coffee
  2. 9 = 1+8 BF_66PCT and BF_CHARGING
9 = 1+8 BF_66PCT and BF_CHARGING
Yep, already figured that one out :)