problem w/ ext. indicator signal condition


can someone help to fix this signal condition?

it did not open any order

double upsign=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Fratelli_BB_MACD_V1",12,26,10,2.5,0,0);//up=buffer 0
double dnsign=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Fratelli_BB_MACD_V1",12,26,10,2.5,1,0);//dn=buffer 1

if(upsign==50.0) sign1=1; 
if(dnsign==50.0) sign1=-1; 

can someone help to fix this signal condition?

it did not open any order

I see your profile, and you can solve this for yourself ?

1. Click iCustom here. write all extern input into iCustom parameters

double upsign=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Fratelli_BB_MACD_V1",  ...  ,0,0);//up=buffer 0
double dnsign=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Fratelli_BB_MACD_V1",  ...  ,1,0);//dn=buffer 1

2. Trading condition : if upsign is bigger than zero and dnsign is less or equal than zero then sign1 is one, and vice versa.