can't recover my tools at top of platform


hi :

im new here and wanted to ask a question on a problem i just had on my platform.

i was customizing the tools at the top of my platform, eliminating some buttons i

did not need. when i finished with a box, i went to drag it too where i wanted to

place it on the top and when i went too place it there, i released my mouse button

and it disappeared. can't figure out how i can get them back . i called OANDA too

ask them, but since MT4 is a 3rd party, there was not much they could do to help.

but they did reccomend i come here, to see if anyone could help me out. they told

me i could re-load the platform, but then if i do that, i will lose all the profiles i have

on this platform. does anyone know, how i can get these back on the top of my platform?

any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you, tony 

While using MT4, try pressing F11 a few times,  see if it helps . . .
Or click   View>Toolbars  and click them to turn them back on.
  1. view -> toolbars
  2. If they won't stay in place - close and delete terminal\config\terminal.ini (you'll loose chart and toolbar placements.)
  3. Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
While using MT4, try pressing F11 a few times,  see if it helps . . .

did get my tools back at the top of my platform, thanks you for your help.
  1. view -> toolbars
  2. If they won't stay in place - close and delete terminal\config\terminal.ini (you'll loose chart and toolbar placements.)
  3. Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
did get my tools, back at the top of my platform, thanks for your help.