Asian breakout need help with EA - page 2


Hi i tray to understand but is wery difficoult for me and i need again help,

i get this error '\end_of_program' - unbalanced left parenthesis

Your syntax is very, very wrong . . . .

But taking your unbalanced parenthesis issue . . .

OrderSend(  Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP(OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL+2), Volume, OrderStopLoss(OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL), OrderTakeProfit(OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL+3)  ) ;  //<---  missing  )

. . . you have a missing ) at the end of each of these lines.

Add them and then compile and you will see a whole lot more errors . . .

OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL is to be used with ObjectGet().

OrderStopLoss() is called after you already have an order placed and you want to know it's Stop Loss . . . you don't use it to set the SL . . . same for OrderTakeProfit().

Volume is your position size in lots . . .


Sorry, i tell you, i dont understand nothing of this things, beacouse of this i ask a lot of help for write this orders i dont know how to do really need help

Best regards


Sorry, i tell you, i dont understand nothing of this things, beacouse of this i ask a lot of help for write this orders i dont know how to do really need help

If you aren't registered at the MQL5 Forum go here and register: Register

Then go here and you can get someone to do this Job for you for a cost: MT4 & MT5 coding jobs

Stop thinking of it as difficult. Start thinking of it as giving detailed instructions to a child learning to do something for the first time.

If you got on the telephone and said for the first time to your broker 'Give me a trade' what questions would the broker ask you?

What curency pair would that be? Your answer is Symbol().

Do you want a long or short trade computers call them Buy trades and Sell trades? Your answer OP_BUY or OP_SELL.

Broker: Your account is set up to trade a mimimum of $1,000 in volume how many lots of $1,000 do you want to trade? Your answer I will send you that value in an envelope marked Volume

Broker:Better not do that sir we have other uses for envelopes marked Volume.

Broker:Do you have the most upto date Bid and Ask prices for this trade and what price slippage are prepared to accept, plus or minus our current spread is normal.

Broker: By the way I am an ECN registered broker so I can only take any Stop Loss and Take Profit prces you give in a separate phone call, that is, after you have got your trade registered with us .

Broker: For now I will ignore any special cooments, magic numbers time and colors you might wish to attach to your trade but I warn you that once the trade is registered with us we can not change them, admin doesn't like things being changed all the time. of couse you could save us both a lot of time if you just send my computer a request in following format which would be the same as answering the questions I just asked you. May many smiles come your way, goodbye!

int OrderSend( string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment=NULL, int magic=0, datetime expiration=0, color arrow_color=CLR_NONE)