Share your backtests :) - page 3


I have several months open a demo account FinFX. and have no real account with them

Ah cool, I'll be sure to have a look around.

Thanks deVries!


Why go through all that coding when Mt4 already gives you the ability to peak at future-data within the tester. <Graph_Below>. Obviously if someone wants to fraud people, they could just make it a little more realistic.


Anyways here's your Curve:

peek not peak :D

Gotta love curve like that.

Well Peek/Peak. Either way its Peak Hunting lmao. Yeah gotta love it.

Code is to be applied for backtesting only.

* picture and code now edited

Please explain what the d67 variable does in this code.

I see that it's very special. Please explain the meaning of this var to me.

If you can't do it - please don't put the decompiled code to the forum.


Please explain what the d67 variable does in this code.

I see that it's very special. Please explain the meaning of this var to me.

If you can't do it - please don't put the decompiled code to the forum.

It's not de-compiled code. RaptorUK (moderator) has clarify that in here . Please put back the picture and the code.

If it is de-compiled code then it's not appropriate that as moderator you're asking an explanation for de-compiled code.


Mathemat: "Please explain what the d67 variable does in this code."

What d67 variable means: difference between the current value of 10 period sma and the 10 bars earlier value of the same sma, in pips.

What it does: I don't know. Only the machine knows all the leaves which generated the decision tree.

onewithzachy: " Please put back the picture and the code."

Only very small changes were applied, and some errors were corrected, otherwise both of them are the same.

I never posted decompiled code and i never will. For sure.


Couldn't resist to show off a bit! :-) All backtests are with default parameters, nothing has to be tuned or changed from pair to pair.

EURUSD Jan2008-Dec2011

GBPUSD Jan2008-Dec2011

USDJPY Jan2008-Dec2011


Hi flaab,

Thanks for presenting your back tests & thanks to everyone for your comments. Its great to see comments from the usual coders, moderators and members whom I've never seen in the forum.

Thanks all! :)


Moderator edit : the code below is NOT de-compiled code. Please refer to several comments below. RaptorUK and phi.nuts (both are moderator to has clarify that the code is not de-compiled

OK, sorry, I was wrong.

The point is that there are no meaningful vars in the code - according to their names. It was so misleading.


OK, sorry, I was wrong.

The point is that there are no meaningful vars in the code - according to their names. It was so misleading.

Thank you for clarification. I appreciate it very much.