how to hidden tp sl or appear tp sl on mt4 ? - page 2


then follow by trading time filter and trading day filter.

But where the piece of code that check these various conditions.?? Looks like you are copy-pasting from a already working ea..

how should i explain it ????

Explain this . . . . just this simple one line.

if(DayOfWeek() < 0) return(0); // day condition + for trading - for not trading

Explain this . . . . just this simple one line.

if value of dayofweek lesser than 0, then return 0, stop trading.

if value of dayofweek lesser than 0, then return 0, stop trading.
And when is the value of dayofweek less than 0 ?

for trading time it is work.

but not for trading day.

i wish only trading on tuesday, wednesday and thursday.

nothing ... monday =1 tuesday =2 ......

So why are you showing code that is complete nonsense ?
So why are you showing code that is complete nonsense ?

can i use +1 -1 to represent the value of trading day ?

can i use +1 -1 to represent the value of trading day ?
Why are you showing code that is complete nonsense ?

nothing ... monday =1 tuesday =2 ......

here i change it again.

What are you telling now ???

How can you say monday = 1 tuesday = 2

This monday the date was 3 september 2012 and tuesday was 4 september 2012