how to coding trailing stop ? - page 2


Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

i bcktest just now, but it just open order,

didnt closing trade.

maybe is strategic problem.

actually what is ticket ??
Is that a joke ? have you actually read any of the Book ?
Is that a joke ? have you actually read any of the Book ?

albert_lim83: Read? I don't have time for such a thing. Thats what you guys are for. 8P

i bcktest just now, but it just open order,

didnt closing trade.

maybe is strategic problem.

Yes it is.... well done

Not closing trades is allright because that belongs to the behavior of a strategic problem

albert_lim83: Read? I don't have time for such a thing. Thats what you guys are for. 8P

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" Alexandar Pope "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" also Pope. Being proud of ignorance and not caring in to improve is a waste of everybodys time. Less haste more speed.

From 7 habits of highly effective people "seek first to undersand" and "sharpen the saw- meaning keep learning"

What kind of person ignores the wisdom of very bright people and continues to waste their own time crashing about in ignorance and refusing to use what they already know works?

We answer your questions because we have the knowedge and time to do so but there is no obligation to answer.

I suppose you might have Altzheimers that would explain the inability to learn.


"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" Alexandar Pope "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" also Pope. Being proud of ignorance and not caring in to improve is a waste of everybodys time. Less haste more speed.

From 7 habits of highly effective people "seek first to undersand" and "sharpen the saw- meaning keep learning"

What kind of person ignores the wisdom of very bright people and continues to waste their own time crashing about in ignorance and refusing to use what they already know works?

We answer your questions because we have the knowedge and time to do so but there is no obligation to answer.

I suppose you might have Altzheimers that would explain the inability to learn.

Is that a joke ? have you actually read any of the Book ?

thanks everybody...

coding around 10 hours, finally done it..


finally add it compounding function...

and trailing stop..

but i still failed to add 1 thing, trading time.

yea ....

thanks everybody.

finally done trading time problem...