Finding high/low for a period from x to y



Can someone help me with code that I can use to find high/low for a period from x to y, and which I will be using later in the day? For example to find the high/low for at period from midnight to 4:30 AM, and which I will be using in the afternoon.

Thanks in advance.


Convert your datetimes to bar numbers using iBarShift() then use the bar numbers in iHighest() and iLowest(). then use the bar numbers from iHighest() and iLowest() in High[] and Low[] ( or iHigh() & iLow() )
Convert your datetimes to bar numbers using iBarShift() then use the bar numbers in iHighest() and iLowest(). then use the bar numbers from iHighest() and iLowest() in High[] and Low[] ( or iHigh() & iLow() )

Thanks RaptorUK, I'll try to use your method ... :-)