Scripts and Indicators bacause?


Just checking.

A script file is a script file because it is stored in the scripts folder? True or False

Is the same true of a indicator? True or False or Defined by its #property definition.

Script files dont accept extern values? True or False or Well there is another way.

Appologies for not searching for the answers short on time today.


Just checking.

1. A script file is a script file because it is stored in the scripts folder? True or False

2. Is the same true of a indicator? True or False or Defined by its #property definition.

3. Script files dont accept extern values? True or False or Well there is another way.

Appologies for not searching for the answers short on time today.

1. True, but it is also different in nature, it is usually intended to have it's start() executed just once.

2. False for a Technical Indicator, may well be True for a non Technical Indicator.

3. False. Use them and if you want to see them use

#property show_inputs
Thanks! I'm sure this is a frequently asked question :(