I can't believe the new programs in Code Base passed proofreading.... - page 2


So looks like the proofreading in Chinese forum is done very carefully before MetaQuotes place the new Code to their Code Base

And I agree "zero" looks like well written. Hard to find one error inside of it... Already rated with a 10.

Now where have I seen that code before!? Someone prooving a point? lmao

The latest code in Chinese forum was dated 2010.09.22, The latest code in Russian forum "zero" was 08/15/2012 and is "very sophisticated" https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/10817

Some proofreading from year 2007, read this https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/103606
Some proofreading from year 2007, read this https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/103606

This has more to do with the fact that if you download your indicator to the forum and inside the name of the indicator are some spaces " " then those

spaces are automatically filled with a character. That can be any character you will get in that place.

Makes it can happen your indicatorname is changed to another name.....

Then a function like Windowfind..... fails that way

I'm still laughing about zero this every time recall it!
Someone please post a Hello World indicator!!

 Today i see again an update in  Code Base from  tonny

What is it that tonny always do putting in his code ???

I think it is an allert with an advertising message 

int init()
Alert("Visit www.FxAutomated.com for more goodies!");

Is that allowed for him to do ??? If so, then I think we will see much more from tonny


 Today i see again an update in  Code Base from  tonny

What is it that tonny always do putting in his code ???

I think it is an allert with an advertising message 

Is that allowed for him to do ??? If so, then I think we will see much more from tonny


I don't think Codebase submissions are proof read.  He is allowed to place a URL in his MQL5 Profile and I guess in his "code".
I don't think Codebase submissions are proof read.  He is allowed to place a URL in his MQL5 Profile and I guess in his "code".

Glad he is not that good with his "code".

 I know and you also more ways to get advertising messages on the chart by using some programlines

 this way it can be we get some day more coders using Code Base only for advertising commercial websites