tick volume question.


Hi all! I am analyzing bar volume of ticks in a tick chart. I noticed that there are ticks that are taller than shorter ticks BUT some of these taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks. "Why do some taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks?"



Hi all! I am analyzing bar volume of ticks in a tick chart. I noticed that there are ticks that are taller than shorter ticks BUT some of these taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks. "Why do some taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks?"


As far as I am aware tick charts do not have bars . . . MT4 does not have volume, what it calls "volume" is actually tick count, perhaps you could post a picture.

Hi all! I am analyzing bar volume of ticks in a tick chart. I noticed that there are ticks that are taller than shorter ticks BUT some of these taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks. "Why do some taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks?"


Hi WhooDoo22,

I have tick chart, it show both Bid and Ask, sometime Bid makes significant moves sometimes not and so Ask.

Got it ?


Hi all! I am analyzing bar volume of ticks in a tick chart. I noticed that there are ticks that are taller than shorter ticks BUT some of these taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks. "Why do some taller ticks have less volume than shorter ticks?"


mind posting an image of your "tick chart"?

thank you.

Someone buys 10,000,000 you get a large price move but one tick. Buy 1,000 small price move still one tick. Its not how the ticks really work but should give you the concept to your answer.
smoknfx: mind posting an image of your "tick chart"?
Post it yourself. Open market watch (control-m) and click the Tick Chart tab. You call me a Troll, RTFM.
Post it yourself. Open market watch (control-m) and click the Tick Chart tab. You call me a Troll, RTFM.

i was not responding to you.

i asked the op to post a screen shot of what he was talking about.

i know what a tick chart looks like.

i know what my tick chart looks like.

i wanted to know what the op was talking about.

yes, you are a troll.

do not feed the troll.

ignore the troll.

starve the troll and he will die.