Beginning MQL5 - Help!



I just wanted to start programming my (almost finished) forex trading system. I'm not a total beginner in programming, but I've never used MQL5 yet.

I've read some tutorials, but I just can't figure out some "basics" I need to know before I can start and I hope you can help me.

The main problem I have is I don't know how I can program my Signals.

If you could tell me: 1. How do i get the information about the price of a specific time? 

      2. I need to know whenever the price has a specific movement (f.e. whenever there are +30 pips -> Signal)


Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I just can't find the answer 



I just wanted to start programming my (almost finished) forex trading system. I'm not a total beginner in programming, but I've never used MQL5 yet.

I've read some tutorials, but I just can't figure out some "basics" I need to know before I can start and I hope you can help me.

The main problem I have is I don't know how I can program my Signals.

If you could tell me: 1. How do i get the information about the price of a specific time? 

      2. I need to know whenever the price has a specific movement (f.e. whenever there are +30 pips -> Signal)


Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I just can't find the answer 

1. You can use the CopyXXX functions : CopyOpen(), CopyHigh(), CopyLow(), CopyClose() ... See documentation

2. By placing code in an OnTick() event handler, you can monitor the price on each tick (each new price). Then you have to save the price in a variable and check when you get a movement of X pips.

Thanks that helped a lot for now!