Solution for MT4 Editor Copy & Paste error in Windows 7 - page 3



 Hope this helps.  

It isn't the solution . . .

Hi RaptorUK,

It is a workaround, not a solution. I have applied the latest update to my MT4, but ME still crashes. What is the solution? Please advise. Thanks. 


Hi RaptorUK,

It is a workaround, not a solution. I have applied the latest update to my MT4, but ME still crashes. What is the solution? Please advise. Thanks. 

I doubt it is even a workaround,  I think what you have done means that you are not currently causing the error to manifest itself . . .  I think it is still there though.  

I think the solution is for Metaquotes to fix their code . . .  but before they can do that they need to be able to correctly reproduce the fault.  If you can detail a sequence of steps that will cause the error to happen please post it in this thread.

I have some ideas abut what may be causing the problem but I haven't yet spent the time needed to be able to reproduce the error,  maybe I'll spend some time this coming week and get it documented.

For some people it may be a combination of problems,  one of them being UAC.  I don't have UAC issues.
I doubt it is even a workaround,  I think what you have done means that you are not currently causing the error to manifest itself . . .  I think it is still there though.  

I think the solution is for Metaquotes to fix their code . . .  but before they can do that they need to be able to correctly reproduce the fault.  If you can detail a sequence of steps that will cause the error to happen please post it in this thread.

I have some ideas abut what may be causing the problem but I haven't yet spent the time needed to be able to reproduce the error,  maybe I'll spend some time this coming week and get it documented.

For some people it may be a combination of problems,  one of them being UAC.  I don't have UAC issues.

Hi RaptorUK,

I could not describe exactly how to trigger such crashes. Whenever I install a new MT4 from another broker, ME simply crashes the first couple of times when I attempted to edit my EA (while no other MT4 or ME are running). Usually I tried to re-start my notebook, and started MT4 prior to any other applications such as Google, email, etc., the problem went away. However, with the latest MT4 update, ME crashes each time whenever I perform copy/paste, no matter how many times I re-installed MT4 or re-started my notebook. It is a constant thing now. I have tried 3 brokers' ME, all crashed. I am not sure if it has to do with my notebook spec and the size of my EA. I am using Core 2 Duo notebook, 3MB memory, 32-bit, Windows 7, and my EA is pretty huge and complex. On my other i7 notebook (8MB, 64-bits, Windows 7), I have no such problem even with the latest version of MT4. I might be barking at the wrong tree by pointing at the PC spec, but this is what I felt about the differences.  


Hi RaptorUK,

I could not describe exactly how to trigger such crashes. Whenever I install a new MT4 from another broker, ME simply crashes the first couple of times when I attempted to edit my EA 

Try this if you get the chance . . .

First time you open ME from a fresh install open the file you want to edit . . .  leave it open and then close ME.  Now re-open ME,  it should open with the file you were trying to edit and now go ahead and edit your file . . . 


Try this if you get the chance . . .

First time you open ME from a fresh install open the file you want to edit . . .  leave it open and then close ME.  Now re-open ME,  it should open with the file you were trying to edit and now go ahead and edit your file . . . 

Hi RaptorUK,

Just an update first, after trying out successfully editing my EA outside of MT4 folder using a copied ME (also outside of MT4 folder), I tried editing the same EA using the ME WITHIN MT4 folder, there were no more crashes when I performed copy/paste. Everything seems to work fine now. It was not possible before I tried out the workaround approach. Just to be sure that the ME is working fine, I removed copied ME at the external folder, the ME within MT4 is still working fine. 

I then shut down my current broker's MT4 (Vantage broker) and the ME, and installed a new MT4 from FXCM broker. As per your instructions,  first time open the ME and my EA, no editing, close the ME, and re-open the ME, the copy/paste works fine. No more crashes. Hope that this information is useful to you, as I have no idea how the problem went away. 

My workaround (with Win 7) is to just open and close ME approximately 3 to 5 times (sometimes it requires more for some odd reason). After this, it works fine until my pc gets shut down. I just find something else to do for those few moments. Earlier builds didn't have this problem, but now the clipboard seems to wreak havoc with ME, at least for Win 7/Vista. I tried moving the entire MT4 folder to the root folder with no improvement, but I didn't try creating a root folder for the project files.
My workaround (with Win 7) is to just open and close ME approximately 3 to 5 times (sometimes it requires more for some odd reason). After this, it works fine until my pc gets shut down. I just find something else to do for those few moments. Earlier builds didn't have this problem, but now the clipboard seems to wreak havoc with ME, at least for Win 7/Vista. I tried moving the entire MT4 folder to the root folder with no improvement, but I didn't try creating a root folder for the project files.

You don't need to do that . . . . just open the mq4  file you want to edit,  leave it open and close down Metaeditor,  then re-open MetaEditor,  it will open with your mq4  file . . . now you can copy and paste.