Capture and use Data from ALERT Boxes as Input Data ? - page 3


i read the thread where you say that he says that he stole software...

you sir, are way way wrong.

he states clearly that he paid for an executable.

And yet he ended up with source code . . . which he had no license to have, strange how that happened. How would you categorise that ?

smoknfx . . . Are you one of our per-existing Troll who have created a new account just for the sake of Trolling? All of your post I'm running into have no-substance except Nagging the people who contributed their valuable time toward maintaining the forum for free.

This community does-not have time for the childish nonsense. We've had people-like-you banned along with their ip-address from this forum and we'll not hesitate to land that hammer again. Just keep going-off like you have no-common-sense.


And yet he ended up with source code . . . which he had no license to have, strange how that happened. How would you categorise that ?

As I have said, and u and some others here know Raptor, I didn't want to, wasn't interested and wasn't trying to LEARN MQL4. I did like I did with every other commercial EA/Indicator. I put them into the proper folders and dragged and dropped them onto the charts. When this one didn't work, tech support was non existent. So I tried to get my money back on all 3 versions that I bought. Didn't happen, no response. Only then did I try to figure it out myself. When it was immediately said to be decompiled, and I had that that it was weird and a very strange way to program, then I got a bit of assistance, but didn't pursue it and dropped it. After which it went in the garbage can where it belonged.

Most of you here judging me being experienced programmers that DON'T BUY COMMERCIAL MQL4 code are judging me from your own frame of reference. You are making the assumption that I knew everything about all this that you do now. I din't even know it was decompiled code! I'm not sure that I even knew there was an MQL4 recompiled back then.

I never looked at or cared if it was mq4 or ex4 I didn't care! I bought it and likely well over a 100 and closer to 200 other MQL retail products to USE THEM. I wasn't trying to program or hack any of it. There are numerous retail commercial products sold uncompiled. Are these ALL stolen? I don't know? Do you? Should everyone of the hundreds of thousands or more likley millions of people that buy such products destroy them all as being stolen? Sounds realistic doesn't it. IF you want to tilt at these windmills, go to the source and stop attacking me for one that I ended up with and took a bath on. Isn't it enough that I got Ripped off by them in the first place? If you're hungry sharks on a feeding frenzy, go feed somewhere else and feed your blood lust.

I bought commercial software in good faith paying good money for it, in the end it turned out to be stolen and into the trash it went along with my money for what were supposed to be the 3 legitimate MQL4 EAs. When they turned out not to be, I was the one that stopped pursing them and dumped them and took the bath on them.

What more or else SHOULD I have done?


mr fourx,

you did no thing that was unethical.

in fact, assuming that this is not in violation of this forum's rules, i would like to know which software package that you used to disassemble that ea from the other thread...? i have been a software engineer for thirty years and that kind of thing just sounds fun.

also, this thread seems to be getting WAY OFF TOPIC, perhaps we might start a new thread just for the little disassembly work that we might do?

happy coding and happy trading,



And yet he ended up with source code . . . which he had no license to have, strange how that happened. How would you categorise that ?

mr raptoruk,

i would categorize this issue as being way beyond the scope of your duties as a moderator in this forum.

with all due respect, sir.




And yet he ended up with source code . . . which he had no license to have, strange how that happened. How would you categorise that ?

Actually I don't believe that I said which it was. As I've said, being a USER of retail ForEx products, I just dragged and dropped them from the Navigator onto charts just like I always did with all the software that I bought.

I have also stated that sometimes Retail FX COMES in Source Code format. Are you going to make the assumption and jump to the conclusion that these are all stolen as well and that I stole all of them? Me and the millions of other such people that buy them?

Give me a break!

Talk about flogging a dead horse.


Actually I don't believe that I said which it was. As I've said, being a USER of retail ForEx products, I just dragged and dropped them from the Navigator onto charts just like I always did with all the software that I bought.

I have also stated that sometimes Retail FX COMES in Source Code format. Are you going to make the assumption and jump to the conclusion that these are all stolen as well and that I stole all of them? Me and the millions of other such people that buy them?

Give me a break!

Talk about flogging a dead horse.

mr fourx,

i would still like to know which software package that you use to disassemble your ea.




smoknfx . . . Are you one of our per-existing Troll who have created a new account just for the sake of Trolling? All of your post I'm running into have no-substance except Nagging the people who contributed their valuable time toward maintaining the forum for free.

This community does-not have time for the childish nonsense. We've had people-like-you banned along with their ip-address from this forum and we'll not hesitate to land that hammer again. Just keep going-off like you have no-common-sense.

please state to me plainly and clearly what i have done to violate the rules of this forum.

speak your mind.
