How to get highest account equity of yesterday


Hi all,

I think, it is a helpful way for money management in order to get daily highest and lowest account equity. Also I need a code that gives us yesterday and before yesterday highest and lowest account equity. If any body has idea please shares the code. With the below code you can gain last highest account equity, but it does not give us for a specific time.

double highestequity;

And then place this next piece of code where it can run every tick.

if ( AccountEquity() > highestequity )

{ highestequity = AccountEquity(); }

  1. Easiest way for Equity. You loose it when the terminal restarts, OS reboots, power glitch, etc.
  2. For account balance see also: Could EA Really Live By Order_History Alone? - MQL4 forum

  1. Easiest way for Equity. You loose it when the terminal restarts, OS reboots, power glitch, etc.
  2. For account balance see also: Could EA Really Live By Order_History Alone? - MQL4 forum

Thank you for response. It was useful Thread.