Need Help About Point Value


Dear Sir,
I need a point value of the symbol via this command at FXPro:

double LPoint = MarketInfo (Symbol (), MODE_POINT);

When applied at symbol 5 digits (example EURUSD, USDCHF), the result LPOINT = 0. Meanwhile, when applied to 3 digits symbol (example: USDJPN) the result LPOINT = 0.001

Why these conditions occur? I think it should be for 5 digits and a symbol of the result LPOINT = 0.00001 ?

Is there a friend who can explain ?

Thank You Very Much.


Dear Sir,
I need a point value of the symbol via this command at FXPro:

double LPoint = MarketInfo (Symbol (), MODE_POINT);

When applied at symbol 5 digits (example EURUSD, USDCHF), the result LPOINT = 0.

How do you know ? are you using Print ? did you read the documentation for Print() ?

Dear Mr Raptor,

I use Alert or Comment inside a scrip, like this :

double LPoint=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);


double LPoint=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
Comment ("LPoint=",LPoint);

Thank You


Dear Mr Raptor,

I use Alert or Comment inside a scrip, like this :

double LPoint=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);


double LPoint=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
Comment ("LPoint=",LPoint);

Thank You

OK, did you read the documentation for Comment() ? and Alert() ?

Yes,I Have read that document.

Sorry, is there something wrong in the use of alert and comment command ?

Thank you


Yes,I Have read that document.

Well obviously you haven't . . . or not properly, or you wouldn't still be asking.

Just for clarity, the documentation says . . . " Data of double type output with 4 decimal digits after point. To output with more precision use DoubleToStr() function. " so 0.00001 will be output as 0.0000

yep. And MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT) == Point() always. RTFM

Thanks to all friends.

Your explanation is true, and very useful for me