Can someone please compile this into EX4 - page 2


Onewithzachy- thanks, I will try it and see what happens. As you can see my skill level is very low when it comes to these things.

Thank you so much for sending over the files. I loaded it, but it appears there is some error in the coding. It works but all the data is right over the chart and not on the right edge. I will see if I can find someone to try to fix it.

WHR- If I knew why it wasnt working, chances are I could fix it myself. I have tried taking the suggestions of others and loading (i think i did it properly) the files elsewhere to no avail. I am sorry you are finding my lack of experience frustrating. I certainly am not here to bother anyone.

Perhaps someone could do this for me through teamviewer or something. I would be glad to pay for someones time. If interested send me a private message.

Best Wishes



Thanks for all the suggestions but for some reason I am still not able to compile.

I have another indicator I would love to try if someone would please be willing to compile for me.

I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.



Thanks for all the suggestions but for some reason I am still not able to compile.

I have another indicator I would love to try if someone would please be willing to compile for me.

I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.

Hi wfws,

Waddah Attar 419 and 432


Thank You VERY Much !!

I wish I didnt have to ask.