How can I find 3 coordinates of an ellipse (OBJ_ELLIPSE)?


I already have 2 coordinates that I can get with the ObjectGet() function.

And I also have the scale.

In the end I have 2 coordinates and the scale.

How can I get a 3rd coordinate of the OBJ_ELLIPSE with these data?



I found this when i was working with another ellipse question (

From stringo's reply

"Ellipse is determined with 2 lines - big radius and small radius.

2 points determine big radius (or rather double radius from center to one point and from center to another point ie diameter line). Big line is measured as x-axis in time units.

Small line is measured as y-axis in points.

Scale is the relation between big line time units and small line price units.

Set your chart for fixed 1:1 scale. It means 1 logical time unit contains as much physical pixels as 1 logical price unit. If you set ellipse scale as 1.0, then you get a regular circle"

That last line aludes to a little quirk you need to account for. See (

That should get you started

By the way there is a neat little search box up the corner, a great many of the problems I have run into while coding have already been solved in this forum or the documentation.