Two different MET4 Terminal shows different opening and closing position rates and volumes for a pair of currency



I am new to Forex and for the last two weeks I am trading in demo a/c with two different broker. I see different opening and closing position rate for a pair of currency & volume for a particular day or week in two different met4 terminal. What can be the reason for different rates in two different terminal? How to know which rate is the correct opening and closing position rate?

Apart from as a user can we change the market watch timing. What should be the real time flash on market watch terminal because two different terminal shows different timing on market watch tab?

Can anyone help me to understand this?





two different broker. I see different opening and closing position

which rate is the correct opening and closing position rate?

There is no central market in forex. Each broker has it's own feeds averaged by them.

They are BOTH correct.