KST (Know Sure Thing) Indicator for FX Trading in MT4


Hello everyone.

I'm starting a topic on the use and experiences using Martin Pring's KST indicator in FX trading using MT4.

Would welcome any comments, ideas, experiences, thoughts, observations and the like.


"Wikipedia" - what a great starting contribution!

Hello everyone.

I'm starting a topic on the use and experiences using Martin Pring's KST indicator in FX trading using MT4.

Would welcome any comments, ideas, experiences, thoughts, observations and the like.


I cannot give an opinion as you do not supply any link where the indicator can be downloaded and tested.

"Wikipedia" - what a great starting contribution!
It has more info than your own contribution . . .
It has more info than your own contribution . . .

You're right - and it is only eclipsed by your amazing insight!

Maybe from the dizzy heights at which raptors operate it may not be obvious, but there is virtually nothing on this interesting EA for forex. That is why my opening remark is about " starting a topic.." it does not currently exist.

All contributions of substance are valued. But infantile contribution are frankly, a waste of time, an insult to all interested participants and nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction by someone who thinks that their most purile thoughts are somehow of interest to the rest of us. Best put that on your facebook page or tweet it to the rest of the world - perhaps someone there may be interested! As for this topic, I would prefer educated positive contributions that can help in understanding how and where the KST indicator can and has been used in FX trading.

Ah I see, you are looking for everyone else to supply all the . . . " comments, ideas, experiences, thoughts, observations and the like. " and then when someone provides a comment by way of a Wiki link you don't appreciate it . . .

So let me get this straight . . . you start a thread where you basically ask for everyone else to provide you with all the info you need on a particular subject because you can't be bothered to go and get it yourself . . then in reply to the first contribution you reply "what a great starting contribution!"

When you ask for help you should be appreciative of any reply you get . . this is a FORUM of users of mql4, it's not your personal research team, it's not staffed with MetaQuotes staff just waiting to help you, it is the sum of it's members, it works by members making contributions . . all members. When a Forum member tries to help, even in the smallest way, they are going it in their own free time and for no pay . . . you should be thankful, not criticise the contribution.

Look through your own posts on this Forum . . . what contribution have you made so far ?


Ah I see, you are looking for everyone else to supply all the . . . " comments, ideas, experiences, thoughts, observations and the like. " and then when someone provides a comment by way of a Wiki link you don't appreciate it . . .

So let me get this straight . . . you start a thread where you basically ask for everyone else to provide you with all the info you need on a particular subject because you can't be bothered to go and get it yourself . . then in reply to the first contribution you reply "what a great starting contribution!"

When you ask for help you should be appreciative of any reply you get . . this is a FORUM of users of mql4, it's not your personal research team, it's not staffed with MetaQuotes staff just waiting to help you, it is the sum of it's members, it works by members making contributions . . all members. When a Forum member tries to help, even in the smallest way, they are going it in their own free time and for no pay . . . you should be thankful, not criticise the contribution.

Look through your own posts on this Forum . . . what contribution have you made so far ?

I suppose the helmet is to stop that huge brain oozing out from the thin skull?

Or is it just to make your head feel evel bigger?

Would appreciate if you desist from making "contributions" to my thread.


Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.


Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

Thanks - that sounds like great advice to a newbie like me!

You were the one starving for attention: "Wikipedia" - what a great starting contribution!