hidden chart - where is this located



When the command iCustom() has been used, this specific symbol() & TF() get's opened somewhere, someone know where is this chart located & where can i find it


If the combination isn't already open a new chart get's opened hidden. If you want to look at it, open a new chart.
If the combination isn't already open a new chart get's opened hidden. If you want to look at it, open a new chart.

i don't wont to look @ the chart

i want to send a PostMassageA to this chart


I strongly assume that the 'hidden' chart get's not really opened, but only the internal data object are created.

I did never use the PostMessageA stuff, but i don't think it is possible to send command to a 'Not open window'.

Possible communication alternatives are:

a) named pipes

b) filesystem

c) GlobalVariables

i did a little research & u supposed 2 b right tnx anyway