Copy Trade Concept


Dear All who are experts and newbie like me, well MT4i is copy trader and its free which copy trade from master to slave on same computer, but it copy all the trades. I want to request /ask experts is there any way that we could ha ve option programing that only profitable trades copy from master accounts which would be demo and only profitable trades executed by slave/real account. Valuable comments and EA would highly be appriciable.


How do you know what is a profitable trade and what is not ?
good question. this what +positive trades from master/demo accounts which needs to be programmed to be copied automatically.
Nice EA

thanks tony but i would appriciate if some programmer do it like i m thinking it will realy a milestone

anumalik: good question. this what +positive trades from master/demo accounts which needs to be programmed to be copied automatically.
You can't copy a trade AFTER the fact, you have to open at the CURRENT price. Since you don't know the future, you can't possibly copy positive trades only.

Dear All who are experts and newbie like me, well MT4i is copy trader and its free which copy trade from master to slave on same computer, but it copy all the trades. I want to request /ask experts is there any way that we could ha ve option programing that only profitable trades copy from master accounts which would be demo and only profitable trades executed by slave/real account. Valuable comments and EA would highly be appriciable.


I think you are a genius

Unless u mean to copy from History pool. but neither way What u are describing is the Text book definition of impossible 
Its not certain to know if a trade will profit or lose. There is no way where the master will copy only profitable trades because the slave resemble what the master does. WYSIWYG my dear.