Email Alert Help - Wrong Parameter Count Error



I'm just trying to add an email alert to this indy similar to the popup alert box, but I"m getting an error (highlighted in yellow below). Could you please help me to correct the 'wrong parameters count' error message in this indy when adding the email alert?

//| Channel ZZ.mq4 |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, TheXpert"
#property link ""

extern string _1 = "Channel width in points";
extern int ChannelPoints = 150;
extern string _2 = "Channel width in percent";
extern double ChannelPercent = 1.5;
extern string _3 = "If 0, channel is counted using ChannelPoints, if 1 -- using ChannelPercent";
extern int ChannelType = 1;
extern string _4 = "Font size";
extern int FontSize = 10;
extern string _5 = "Font name";
extern string FontName = "Arial Black";
extern string _6 = "Font color";
extern color FontColor = Yellow;
extern string _7 = "Draw or not objects containing ZZ statistics";
extern bool DrawStatistics = false;
extern string _8 = "Offset for stats objects in points";
extern int StatisticsOffsetPoints = 20;
extern string _9 = "Alert or not when the direction has been changed";
extern bool AlertBreakout = true;
extern bool EmailON = true;

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Black
#property indicator_width1 3

#property indicator_color2 White
#property indicator_color3 DimGray

#property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_style3 STYLE_SOLID

#define ID "Channel ZZ Stats "

//---- buffers
double ZZ[];
double UpChannel[];
double DnChannel[];

string symbol;

#define UP 1
#define DN -1
#define NONE 0

int Direction;
int LastDirection;

datetime StartMax;
datetime EndMax;
datetime StartMin;
datetime EndMin;

// Channel Variables
datetime StartChannel;
datetime EndChannel;

// Object Variables
int Counter;
int Length;
int LastLength;

double LastExtrValue;
double ExtrValue;
int ExtrDirection;
datetime ExtrTime;

int ChannelWidth;

void DrawInfo(datetime endDraw)
if (!DrawStatistics) return;

Length = MathAbs(MathRound((ExtrValue - LastExtrValue)/Point));

double pos = ExtrValue;
if (Direction == UP) pos += StatisticsOffsetPoints*Point;

string id = ID + Counter;

string text;
if (LastExtrValue != 0)
text = "(" + Length + ")";

if (LastLength != 0)
text = DoubleToStr(Length/(1.0*LastLength), 2) + text;

if (ObjectFind(id) == -1)
ObjectCreate(id, OBJ_TEXT, 0, endDraw, pos);
ObjectSet(id, OBJPROP_COLOR, FontColor);

ObjectMove(id, 0, endDraw, pos);
ObjectSetText(id, text, FontSize, FontName);

void NotifyDirectionChange()
if (!AlertBreakout) return;

if (ExtrTime < Time[1]) return;

string direction = "UP";
if (Direction != UP) direction = "DOWN";

Alert("Channel ZZ ", Symbol(), " changed direction to ", direction);
SendMail("Channel ZZ ", Symbol(), " changed direction to ", direction);

void SetExtremum(double value, int direction, datetime time)
if (direction == ExtrDirection && ExtrTime != 0)
if (time == ExtrTime)
ExtrValue = value;
ZZ[iBarShift(NULL, 0, ExtrTime)] = EMPTY_VALUE;

ExtrValue = value;
ExtrTime = time;
LastExtrValue = ExtrValue;
ExtrValue = value;
ExtrDirection = direction;
ExtrTime = time;

if (ChannelType == 1)
ChannelWidth = ChannelPercent*value/Point/100;

LastLength = Length;
ZZ[iBarShift(NULL, 0, ExtrTime)] = ExtrValue;

int init()
IndicatorShortName("-=<Channel ZZ>=-");


SetIndexBuffer(0, ZZ);
SetIndexBuffer(1, UpChannel);
SetIndexBuffer(2, DnChannel);

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_SECTION);

symbol = Symbol();

Direction = NONE;
Counter = 0;

StartMax = 0;
EndMax = 0;
StartMin = 0;
EndMin = 0;

Length = 0;
LastLength = EMPTY_VALUE;

LastExtrValue = 0;

if (ChannelType == 0)
ChannelWidth = ChannelPoints;


int deinit()
for (int i = 0; i <= Counter; i++)
ObjectDelete(ID + i);

int start()
int ToCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();

if (ToCount > 2)
ToCount = Bars;
ArrayInitialize(ZZ, EMPTY_VALUE);
ArrayInitialize(UpChannel, EMPTY_VALUE);
ArrayInitialize(DnChannel, EMPTY_VALUE);

for (int i = ToCount - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (Direction == NONE)

if (Direction == UP)


void CheckInit(int i)
if (StartMax == 0 || StartMin == 0)
if (StartMax == 0) StartMax = Time[i];
if (StartMin == 0) StartMin = Time[i];

ExtrTime = 0;


if (Direction == NONE)
double maxValue = High[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax)];
double minValue = Low[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin)];

double nowMax = High[i];
double nowMin = Low[i];

if (nowMax > maxValue && Time[i] > StartMax)
EndMax = Time[i];
StartMin = Time[i];
Direction = UP;

SetExtremum(nowMax, UP, EndMax);
else if (nowMin > minValue && Time[i] > StartMin)
EndMin = Time[i];
StartMax = Time[i];
Direction = DN;

SetExtremum(nowMin, DN, EndMin);

void CheckUp(int i)
int startIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax);
int endIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMax);

double endMaxValue = High[endIndex];

if (endMaxValue < High[i])
endMaxValue = High[i];
EndMax = Time[i];

SetExtremum(High[i], UP, EndMax);
double startMaxValue = High[startIndex];
double startMinValue = Low[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin)];

double nowMaxValue = endMaxValue;
if (startIndex - endIndex != 0)
nowMaxValue += (endMaxValue - startMaxValue)/(startIndex - endIndex)*(endIndex - i);

double nowMinValue = Low[i];

if (nowMaxValue - nowMinValue > ChannelWidth*Point)
if (EndMax != i)
StartMin = Time[i];
EndMin = Time[i];
Direction = DN;

SetExtremum(Low[i], DN, EndMin);

void CheckDown(int i)
int startIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin);
int endIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMin);

double endMinValue = Low[endIndex];

if (endMinValue > Low[i])
endMinValue = Low[i];
EndMin = Time[i];

SetExtremum(Low[i], DN, EndMin);
double startMinValue = Low[startIndex];
double startMaxValue = High[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax)];

double nowMinValue = endMinValue;
if (startIndex - endIndex != 0)
nowMinValue += (endMinValue - startMinValue)/(startIndex - endIndex)*(endIndex - i);

double nowMaxValue = High[i];

if (nowMaxValue - nowMinValue > ChannelWidth*Point)
if (EndMin != i)
EndMax = Time[i];
StartMax = Time[i];
Direction = UP;

SetExtremum(High[i], UP, EndMax);

void DrawChannel(int i)
switch (Direction)
case UP:
case DN:

void DrawUp(int i)
int startIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax);
int endIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMax);

if (startIdx == i)
UpChannel[i] = High[i];
DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] - ChannelWidth*Point;

if (startIdx - i > 1)
UpChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
DnChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

if (startIdx == endIdx)
UpChannel[i] = UpChannel[startIdx];
DnChannel[i] = DnChannel[startIdx];


double upValue =
High[startIdx] + (High[endIdx] - High[startIdx])/(endIdx - startIdx)*(i - startIdx);

UpChannel[i] = upValue;
DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] - ChannelWidth*Point;

void DrawDn(int i)
int startIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin);
int endIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMin);

if (startIdx == i)
UpChannel[i] = Low[i];
DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] + ChannelWidth*Point;

if (startIdx - i > 1)
UpChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
DnChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

if (startIdx == endIdx)
UpChannel[i] = UpChannel[startIdx];
DnChannel[i] = DnChannel[startIdx];


double dnValue =
Low[startIdx] + (Low[endIdx] - Low[startIdx])/(endIdx - startIdx)*(i - startIdx);

UpChannel[i] = dnValue;
DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] + ChannelWidth*Point;


Hi bnbb2004

1. Use SRC code to write your code

2. click here

SendMail("Channel ZZ ", Symbol(), " changed direction to ", direction);

So the documentation says to send this command with two strings and you have given it four strings.

The first string is the email subject. It is not clear if you have a subject for your email. Do you want it to be "Channel ZZ "?

You could simply do something like this ...

SendMail("My Email Alert", "Channel ZZ " + Symbol() + " changed direction to " + direction);

If you use a plus sign between strings they get added so that "dog" + " cat" becomes "dog cat"

Thanks for your help! :-)