Round to the low


Hi all, could you help me with this problem?

int start() 


In this case output is 0.05.

I need to obtain 0.04. How can I solve?

Thank you!


Hi all, could you help me with this problem?

In this case output is 0.05.

I need to obtain 0.04. How can I solve?

Thank you!

If you explain why you are trying to do what you asked you may get a better answer. Otherwise, subtract 0.001 before normalizing.
In this case output is 0.05.
I need to obtain 0.04.
  1. since 0.09/2 is 0.045, rounding to 2 decimals gives 0.05
  2. If you need to truncate try
    double TruncateDouble(double v, int d){
       double mulip = MathPow(10.0,d),
              trunc = MathFloor(v * multi) / multp;
    Print(TruncateDouble(0.09/2,2)); // 0.04

  3. You should change the title of your post "Round to the low" to "Truncate to the low"


double TruncateDouble(double v, int d){
//   double mulip = MathPow(10.0,d),
//          trunc = MathFloor(v * multi) / multp;
   double mulip = MathPow(10.0,d),
          trunc = MathFloor(v * mulip) / mulip;

since I am totally mathematically challenged your quickie was totally what needed. I was doing eg,

int i=0.498553*100;
double d=i/100.0;
Print(d);  //0.49

function is now resident in my tools mqh kit bag!

took liberty to c/mul*/mulip/all

was stumped to begin with as totally out of my depth. was do to *ip,*ti,*tp since this is all .ru to me ;-) but got there in the end. 

 thank you