Alert when fast Hull MA crossing slow Hull MA - page 2


want an alert when fast HMA crosses slow HMA

I did - just don't know how to re-post

thank you ONEWITHZACHY for your TIME any way :]

Find 'edit' or 'delete' link and click it. You create this thread, messing it will make other forumer lazy to helps you.

What you're asking is to create a new CI. You gonna get a lot of critics around here if you're asking for free help to create one. Like WHRoeder said, either pay or just learn and will help you.

And btw, before I even figure out what you want, WHRoeder already helped you there, he pointed out ...

WHRoeder 2012.05.25 14:08
Can somebody help me to write code

Since there are no slaves here, there are only two choices: learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.

The CI you use is relevant only for coding the iCustom Call

Tell you what, years ago I created this attached MA when I was a rookie, I posted it in this forum somewhere, and I just add some alert on it. You can rewrite/modify a copy of it for your HMA, with iCustom (click that or MetaEditor > Navigator window Ctrl + D > Dictionary tab > Technical Indicator > iCustom), all you have to do is just change these code ..

fast = iMA (Symbol(),Period(), Fast_Period, 0 ,MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos);
slow = iMA (Symbol(),Period(), Slow_Period, 0 ,MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos); 

With this one ...

fast = iCustom (.... // you fill in these parameters ...
slow = iCustom (.....// ... and here too

Hope that works, I have busy days, and hope that other forumer may help you, or criticize you badly .... Just don't create another thread, continue with this one.



thank you gentlemen for your time and patience :J