MQL5 code

does the code that a developer writes for me belong to me or the programmer? My feeloing is that it should belong to me but can anyone confirm this? Also can i sell it on the market to other traders should it be successful?
does the code that a developer writes for me belong to me or the programmer? My feeloing is that it should belong to me but can anyone confirm this? Also can i sell it on the market to other traders should it be successful?
It depends on your agreement with the Developer,  if I wrote something for you I would deliver the executable,  it would have code in it that I had developed for myself and not specifically for you so you wouldn't get all my source code.
The code that a developer writes for you belong to you.
The code that a developer writes for you belong to you.

only for him or for both of them (him & developer )?

if only for him : who and how control that?

The code that a developer writes for you belong to you.
Only if that is what the agreement between the developer and the customer says.
It depends on your agreement with the Developer,  if I wrote something for you I would deliver the executable,  it would have code in it that I had developed for myself and not specifically for you so you wouldn't get all my source code.

It's not so simple I think. If you developed code from scratch and there is an explicit agreement between both parts, you are probably right. But what for a job where there is no explicit agreement ? What for a job where the customer provides code that the developper have to modify ? A good part of Jobs are the conversion from code with a copyright, is this only legal to convert it ? What about the modification of a code with copyright from a third party ? And this is only for Jobs. There is also a lot of questions about Market and copyright.


It's not so simple I think. If you developed code from scratch and there is an explicit agreement between both parts, you are probably right. But what for a job where there is no explicit agreement ? What for a job where the customer provides code that the developper have to modify ? A good part of Jobs are the conversion from code with a copyright, is this only legal to convert it ? What about the modification of a code with copyright from a third party ? And this is only for Jobs. There is also a lot of questions about Market and copyright.

Why would you ever do a job for someone without having an explicit agreement ?  isn't that asking for problems ?

If the customer supplies code that the developer modifies then yes,  in that case the contract would probably, but not always,  include the supply of the modified source code.  The developer and customer can make any stipulations they like,  neither is forced to agree to them,  clarity on both sides is what is required so both parties know what they are agreeing to.  All code has copyright . . . just in some cases the Author gives permission to use it in any way.
Why would you ever do a job for someone without having an explicit agreement ?  isn't that asking for problems ?

If the customer supplies code that the developer modifies then yes,  in that case the contract would probably, but not always,  include the supply of the modified source code.  The developer and customer can make any stipulations they like,  neither is forced to agree to them,  clarity on both sides is what is required so both parties know what they are agreeing to.  All code has copyright . . . just in some cases the Author gives permission to use it in any way.
I guess you always think of everything.
I guess you always think of everything.
Nope,  but I at least try to cover the basics for the benefit of my customer and myself.