I want Price before 100 second, Plz! Help me


Hello All,

Plz! help me regarding to subject.

Actually I want to compare current price with price before 100 seconds, to check price volatility.

Thnx! in advance.


As you are an EA Master this should be easy for you . . .

Use an array of maybe 1000 elements, use it like a FIFO, for each tick record the Bid price and tick time based on Server Time . . . when you want to the price 100 secs ago loop through the array looking for a match, or closest match, to the current datetime - 100


Resp. Sir,

If possible, Plz! give sample code!

Thnx! in advance!


As you are an EA Master this should be easy for you . . .

Use an array of maybe 1000 elements, use it like a FIFO, for each tick record the Bid price and tick time based on Server Time . . . when you want to the price 100 secs ago loop through the array looking for a match, or closest match, to the current datetime - 100


Resp. Sir,

If possible, Plz! give sample code!

Thnx! in advance!

If you want "sample" code you can go here: All the sample code you can eat

If you need help coding it . . . give it a go and show what you have done . .