

Specifically, I have 5079 Objects and ObjectTotal=4988, so it does not see a lot of them. My objects are named as numbers in sequential order.

i.e 1, 2, 3, 4...etc are each converted to string and used as the name for each object. So its really easy to tell what I can not access.

Above 5033 are no accessible via ObjectGet command yet I can see them in the object list and in the chart file for that matter where they are stored. The data does not appear corrupted and have similar problems with objects on other charts.

I move the chart to another computer and a fresh install of MT4 and now I can access 5033 of them and its the last ones that I can not access i.e. not ones in the middle of the data that would indicate corrupt data.

Any ideas?

Specifically, I have 5079 Objects and ObjectTotal=4988, so it does not see a lot of them.
Since ObjectsTotal() returns 4989 that is all you have. Perhaps you've reached Max Bars On Chart. Any bars and objects beyond that has been purged.

My CI draws a lot of triangles. Back then the return of OrdersTotal() is about 100 ( I forget the exact number). I end up using iCustom() to that CI just to get the data of all triangle objects on chart.
