Dynamic Array declaration



I would need to define the size of my array by an external variable, is that possible? Example:

external int Size;


double Orders[Size];

When compiling it fails on the array declaration: "integer number expected"

Thanks in advance!

Try array resize after you have declared the array, there is a section in the Documentation all about Arrays . . .


I would need to define the size of my array by an external variable, is that possible?


extern int size=100;

double orders[];  // an empty array, a pointer to nowhere.

bool abort=false;

int val=0;
int init(){

   val = ArrayResize(orders,size);  // allocate memory to the array so the pointer is no longer null.
   if( val<0 ){
      Comment("It didn't work");
int start(){
   if( abort )
      return( 0 );
   Comment("Success! " + val);
Thanks guys