Anyone Have a Good Indi to Plot News On Charts?


I am in search of a good, stable, easy to use, clean news calendar indi that will allow me to plot the red flags news days onto my chart. I do not need my chart to look like a xmas tree:) So if I could select which type of news, that would be great.

Some of what I've seen are just too noisy/busy. Just something simple and clean. I tried searching this site, but didn't come across anything.

I've looked around the internet, forex factory, etc, and have seen an indi called FFCal, but there are so many posts, many from 2007, that I'm not sure if this indi works anymore with the latest MT4 builds.

Can anyone point me towards a good news plotting indi?

I'd be most appreciative.




DeVries wrote one

Have fun !
