Convert MQL4 to .EX4

Is there any tool or software that can convert an EA MQL4 to .EX4
Is there any tool or software that can convert an EA MQL4 to .EX4

Is there any tool or software that can convert an EA MQL4 to .EX4

Your source code is an MQL4 file (which has an MQ4 file extension - the part after the dot in the file name). It is a text-lke file. As an example this is code from a script ...

int start(){

   string str="";
   str= str + "MODE_DIGITS="        + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS),0)          +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_SPREAD="        + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD),0)          +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_STOPLEVEL="     + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL),0)       +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_FREEZELEVEL="   + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_FREEZELEVEL),0)     +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_TICKVALUE="     + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE),Digits)  +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_TICKSIZE="      + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE),Digits)   +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_POINT   ="      + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT),Digits)      +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_MINLOT="        + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT),3)          +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_MAXLOT="        + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT),3)          +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_LOTSIZE="       + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE),0)         +"\n";
   str= str + "MODE_MARGINREQUIRED="+ DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED),2)  +"\n";

You use the meta-editor to change the code and it will save it with a file extension of MQ4. When you click "compile" it converts the program into something more understandable to a computer, an EX4 file, an "executable" or binary file. This is what you actually run as a program.


Your source code is an MQL4 file (which has an MQ4 file extension - the part after the dot in the file name). It is a text-lke file. As an example this is code from a script ...

You use the meta-editor to change the code and it will save it with a file extension of MQ4. When you click "compile" it converts the program into something more understandable to a computer, an EX4 file, an "executable" or binary file. This is what you actually run as a program.

Thanks for the lesson Dabbler
how to convert mql
robot.ex4  24 kb
how to convert mql
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how to convert mql
No need . . .
When I use mql metaeditor to compile an mq4 file into an ex4 expert file, it used to show up with a cap and gown icon.  Now it shows up with a scroll icon even though the file extension is ex4 and the mql4 terminal cannot run it as an expert.  What is wrong?
Herb Klaver:
When I use mql metaeditor to compile an mq4 file into an ex4 expert file, it used to show up with a cap and gown icon.  Now it shows up with a scroll icon even though the file extension is ex4 and the mql4 terminal cannot run it as an expert.  What is wrong?

Fix your old code.

It was discussed several times, I will not repeat what you have to check, use the search engine.