ASAR - page 3

Are you competent in defining exactly what your requirements are without changing them or needing to explain them before the coding is finished ? it's not an easy thing to do but it is critical to get the correct end product.

In my experience, I always try to put myself in the other person's head to see how what I'm saying might be misinterpreted so that I can think about how to convey my message clearly. Even then, there's almost always something that will require further clarification. Situations vary. There have been times when the coder has informed me of something that couldn't be done the way I had imagined it in which case I had to rethink my approach. There were also other times in which I let the coder know there might be further modifications. Such situations have not been a problem. The problem has been with coders having ideas in their minds of how to do something without really paying attention to what I had described. This was a problem for both coders on my standard deviation momentum indicator. All they knew to do was to apply the RSI formula to standard deviation without dealing with how the end result would be presented. The second coder had even accused me of never having specified a bit of information that I then reminded him of by forwarding the email from the very first time I had given him the description. With the coder I had used regularly, there had been a situation in which I had described a particular feature of an EA that was also the same feature in a previous EA he had worked on for me. When I saw that the EA wasn't performing as expected and had identified the nature of the problem, it took a few emails of me repeatedly restating what I had described while also referencing the feature in the previous EA he had worked on so he would know exactly what it was I was describing. At one point I had to ask him if what I was describing had been previously done. It hadn't. Which means the previous EA I had given up on had never been coded correctly in the first place and I had never discovered it thinking that it was my strategy that had been flawed. In any case, even though he had never coded the previous EA correctly with the feature I had described, that same description had accompanied the current EA he was working on and he hadn't coded it correctly due to a preconceived notion he had. When a coder allows their preconceived notions to get in the way of actually paying attention to what is being described, there's no way my attempt of placing myself in their head is going to be able to circumvent that problem.

In my experience,..............

The first step of jobs is to select the candidate for the job. What did you make the decision for the developer you choose. (By the way i have done also some jobs there for others, not every person is equal in doing jobs i think) And what were the jobs from you... at ?



There have been times when the coder has informed me of something that couldn't be done the way I had imagined it in which case I had to rethink my approach.

There were also other times in which I let the coder know there might be further modifications.

It sounds as if your specification is half the problem . . . I know this isn't what you want to hear but it is most probably true. Communicating what you want to a coder, in an unambiguous way, is not an easy task . .
It sounds as if your specification is half the problem . . . I know this isn't what you want to hear but it is most probably true. Communicating what you want to a coder, in an unambiguous way, is not an easy task . .

especially when you are not a programmer yourself. People who learn to program can think in a structured logical manner (if they are any good). This is not to say that if you can't program you are stupid, but programming forces you to lay out your thoughts in a logical sequence or your program will not work at all. Each task has to be broken down into simple mathematically defined steps. We see non-programmers here all the time who are unable to explain the simplest part of what they are trying to achieve (and again I don't say that this applies to you). But what you will find is that the programmer has the added burden of translating your ideas into something which is programmable. In many respects learning to program, even a little, might help you to to communicate with a programmer better.

I found (and solved) this lovely little problem this morning. Pure logic without any tricks or BS. You might like to try it to see how good your logical reasoning really is.


It is easy to google it and find a way to solve it, but a key thing about this problem is figuring out HOW to start on the solution.


especially when you are not a programmer yourself. People who learn to program can think in a structured logical manner (if they are any good). This is not to say that if you can't program you are stupid, but programming forces you to lay out your thoughts in a logical sequence or your program will not work at all.

It's not really that I was thinking of . . . in my opinion you don't need to be a programmer/coder/software engineer to write down on paper what your system is . . . but what you must not do is stray into the realms of implementation, if you do that then you are tying one of your developer's hands behind his back.

People struggle to document their method . . . many think they have a method but really do not, it varies from day to day . . they rationalise it by saying it is "discretionary" . . . that is just a cop out.

I have an a acquaintance that asked me to write his method into an EA . . . it's a simple method using a Fib on a couple of D1 bars . . . so asked him to write it all down . . . each draft there was info missing, SL, where to enter, when not to trade, etc, etc . . . finally I got something I can code.



It is easy to google it and find a way to solve it, but a key thing about this problem is figuring out HOW to start on the solution.

First write down what is known . . . .

Then highlight associations, "The Green house is next to, and on the left of the White house."

Then you will see that the Norwegian can only have a Yellow house . . .

Took me slightly over 1/2 hour.
Took me slightly over 1/2 hour.


It took me longer than that to think about how to approach the problem in a sensible way.

I bow to your mega-brain-ness

It sounds as if your specification is half the problem . . . I know this isn't what you want to hear but it is most probably true. Communicating what you want to a coder, in an unambiguous way, is not an easy task . .

In the beginning certainly but I've been at it for two years now and have developed an understanding for how to communicate my descriptions. The coders also know how to ask questions so that if there was an aspect I had overlooked, I would be made aware of it and could inquire about anything I didn't understand. If I had modifications to the strategy in mind, I could also ask the coder about the feasibility of something such as taking the spread into account or color coding an indicator. Again, such communications were apart of the normal dialog between merchant and client and were never the problem. The problems arose when something clearly stated was overlooked or, in at least one case that I had become aware of, something I had never specified had been included in an EA without initially informing me. The most time consuming part of the process were the corrections the coder had to make that didn't involve any misunderstandings or further clarifications. Once an EA or an indicator was complete, I could expect to have corrections made on average of around 3 times before it would finally be correct.

The first step of jobs is to select the candidate for the job. What did you make the decision for the developer you choose. (By the way i have done also some jobs there for others, not every person is equal in doing jobs i think) And what were the jobs from you... at ?

I chose from among coding services that someone had suggested to me two years ago when I had first inquired about such services. I then made contact with the services to get a price estimate on the strategy I had in mind and chose according to what was most affordable for me.