MT4 API request directed at MetaQuotes


Hi, I'm an experienced software engineer. I have years of commercial software design and development experience covering technologies such as c, c++, SQL, Assembler, etc.

I'm also a self taught trader. I have a Pro a/c with Alpari.

I understand from the MetaQuotes website that the MT4 product set includes an API that can be used for integrating MT4 with other systems.

I've asked my broker for this and they have re-directed to MetaQuotes.

So if anybody is reading this and can help please get in touch either by responding to this or emailing me direct at

Many thanks, Chris.


Yes. If it exists or open for individual programmers who would be much happier than now.



I've asked my broker for this and they have re-directed to MetaQuotes.

That mean you have to contact MetaQuotes, not us !. They used to have API for MetaTrader but not offering it anymore on MetaQuotes website.

I don't like spamming, these guys used to have one.