getting info from arrows


hi I am wondering if someone can point me to some info on how to get an arrow from an indicator to be read by EA

while the code would be nice I would be happy with just a place with this sort of information I haven't found anything from my efforts so far

Thanks in advance

iCustom() there has been a comprehensive thread about iCustom a few days ago.
iCustom() there has been a comprehensive thread about iCustom a few days ago.

ok i found the icustom which loads the indicator into the EA

and it works

now i went looking further because icustom does not give me the signals of the arrows from the indicator and it is the arrows i want the EA to respond to

ie: if we get an up arrow on screen I want to be able to recognize that with the EA there is no other output from the indicator

I have attached file, the indicator is " ema crossover "

but i dont understand how to get the on screen arrows to be signals an EA can use

Thanks again to anyone that can help


I have attached file, the indicator is " ema crossover "

but i dont understand how to get the on screen arrows to be signals an EA can use

You attached AlertSignal . . . assuming that code is designed to work with ema crossover then the arrows are objects, so you can find the object details quite easily, in fact look at the code in AlertSignal for example code.

I have it loading EMA Crossover ok but i havnt been able to any further yet

note: i didnt up load ema crossover

it seems to call it ok

I am using "alert signal " as the basis for my learning to do this

I will do some more study in the icustom files i guess

thanks so far

here is what I think i am doing right

the arrows used by EMAcrossover are the codes numbers 233 and 234

and I assume i am callng the indicater correctly

#property indicator_chart_window
extern int ExtBars=10;        // Êîëè÷åñòâî ïîñëåäíèõ áàðîâ äëÿ ïðîñ÷åòà
extern int ExtArrow=233; 

extern int ExtArrow2=234;     // Íîìåð êîäà â òàáëèöå "wingdings"  äëÿ íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà
extern bool ExtAlert=true;    // Ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûâîäà "Àëåðòîâ"
extern bool ExtComment=true;  // Ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü âûâîäà "Êîììåíòîâ"
int per;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
double val=iCustom(NULL, 0, "EMA Crossover",4,5,0);


I have it loading EMA Crossover ok but i havnt been able to any further yet

note: i didnt up load ema crossover

it seems to call it ok

I am using "alert signal " as the basis for my learning to do this

I will do some more study in the icustom files i guess

thanks so far

here is what I think i am doing right

the arrows used by EMAcrossover are the codes numbers 233 and 234

and I assume i am callng the indicater correctly


I am wiling to pay someone to code this for me

Maybe this Testing Visualization .
Maybe this Testing Visualization .

thanks but i need to get the code to read the arrows

surely some one can do it easy I can pay for your time


thanks but i need to get the code to read the arrows

surely some one can do it easy I can pay for your time

Look in the Objects list (CTRL B) what are the names of the arrows you wanna select ?


I am wiling to pay someone to code this for me

Jobs I can help you there if you like..