SVE RSI I-Fish - alert problem ...


Ladies and Gentelmens, the alarm indicator in the above ...:

Smoothed Inverse Fisher Transform RSI by Sylvain Vervoort ...

works this like:

and I'd rather prefer to work this like ...:

Does anyone in the public interest could therefore at the same indicator a little odd tricks, and convert it to work properly ... ?.


We can help.....

Trie something.....

This is the original code .... for allerting

//  Alert routine by hanover
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+                                                                          //
int ProcessAlerts()   {                                                                                                                         //
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+                                                                          //
  if (AlertCandle >= 0  &&  Time[0] > LastAlertTime)   {                                                                                        //
    // === Alert processing for crossover UP (indicator line crosses ABOVE signal line) ===                                                     //
    if (fish[AlertCandle] > AlertLevelUp  &&  fish[AlertCandle+1] <= AlertLevelUp)  {                                                           //
      string AlertText = Symbol() + "," + TFToStr(Period()) + ": " + AlertTextCrossUp;                                                          //
      if (ShowChartAlerts)          Alert(AlertText);                                                                                           //
      if (AlertEmailSubject > "")   SendMail(AlertEmailSubject,AlertText);                                                                      //
    }                                                                                                                                           //
    // === Alert processing for crossover DOWN (indicator line crosses BELOW signal line) ===                                                   //
    if (fish[AlertCandle] < AlertLevelDown  &&  fish[AlertCandle+1] >= AlertLevelDown)  {                                                       //
      AlertText = Symbol() + "," + TFToStr(Period()) + ": " + AlertTextCrossDown;                                                               //
      if (ShowChartAlerts)          Alert(AlertText);                                                                                           //
      if (AlertEmailSubject > "")   SendMail(AlertEmailSubject,AlertText);                                                                      //
    }                                                                                                                                           //
    LastAlertTime = Time[0];                                                                                                                    //
  }                                                                                                                                             //
  return(0);                                                                                                                                    //

If you take an attempt to change it the way you want and show the changed code

then only it is that I help you to get in the right direction....


Ladies and Gentelmens, the alarm indicator in the above ...:

Smoothed Inverse Fisher Transform RSI by Sylvain Vervoort ...

works this like:

and I'd rather prefer to work this like ...:

Does anyone in the public interest could therefore at the same indicator a little odd tricks, and convert it to work properly ... ?.

You see the bit where it says

extern int     AlertLevelUp        = 12;                                                
extern int     AlertLevelDown      = 88;

it looks to me that if you just swap the Up one to 88 and the Down one to 12 it will be doing what you want. You don't even need to alter the code, just change the value when you run the indicator.