i need help


I have two systems with their own entries and exits. For example:

System A:

Buy = (RSI(14) < 30 and MA(C,25) > MA(C, 200));

Sell = MA(C,25) < MA(C,200);

System B:

Buy = (ADX(14) > 30 and C > MA(C,200));

Sell = ADX(14) <20;

In want to combine them to one system. That means that each exit should be linked to the specific entry. Code should be something like:

Buy = (RSI(14) < 30 and MA(C,25) > MA(C,200)) OR (ADX(14) < 30 and C> MA(C,200));

Sell = IF Buy A then Sell A else Sell B

Can someone give me correct code for the Sell for the example above?

Thanks in advance.




In want to combine them to one system.

Can someone give me correct code

You don't want to combine them, you want someone to do the work FOR you.

No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.