Neural Nets..



I have read most articles on NNs, and I am fascinated by them. :)

I am looking more at analysing the major fx pairs going back 10 years and trying to find any patterns.

Has anybody used NNs for candlestick analysis, if so; how did you get on and can offer any advice?



Iteresting topic.

Hm lets see what good advicec i have regarding this:

  1. Are you sure you are willing to trust a 'black box' system giving you trading advices?
  2. Define the goals the NN should reach
  3. Select the needed NN for the problem
  4. Use stationary data!!!
  5. Find a way to detect overoptimisation. (Out of sample tests, Monte carlo simulations or similar stuff)

Additionally a few personal experiences:

  1. Do not try to predict the price, binary decisions worked quite better for me
  2. Maybe a combination of NN could be a way to go. (1 for trenddetection, 1 for entry signals, 1 for exit signal ecc)
  3. You probably need to find a way to train thme (and charactersize the results) individually

I was never able to make consistent wins on demo accounts so i never let them go live. Maybe i used the wrong nets or my implementation was not well designed. Or maybe there is no underlying patter which can be exploited in the long run.

You probably need a lot of programming experience and you should be able to write dll's.

I am very interested in the topic, NN where always one of my favorites. Maybe i will give it a shot again. Need to try that java bridge first


This one looks good article but it is in Russian and Mql5 .Maybe moderators might want to translate

into English


This one looks good article but it is in Russian and Mql5 .Maybe moderators might want to translate

into English

Or you could try

which does translate webpages to English, sort of.