Running 100 MT4 Terminals - page 3

If that is all your budget allows you might as well not bother . . . you need more RAM, you probably need more CPU but you haven't said what the MT4 installations will be doing so it's impossible to get a good idea of the CPU loading. Even if its just a low intensity EA with a few Indicators if they are pulling more than 1% of CPU you will be in trouble..


At the moment, I am not running any EAs. I just want to know if Windows7 can handle 100 MT4 terminals. Does anyone know how metaquotes, run the trading competition? What is their set up?

You can set up a cluster of like 100 computers to get the power you cant get in one if you have the money. This usually divides any task to all the computers and is the technology used by scientists to do what would take a years in just months. Google about cluster computing to get more details i dont know how they set it up but im sure the softwares are very costly not forgetting the cost for all the computers.
Be careful, the new MT4 build only allow 32 system wide instances of the terminal, hope they remove that :( Full details: