same shape between price and your indicator? - page 3


Ah i see where this is going, i tried to imlement an indicator which calculated the length of swings, and used that value as basis for other indicators. Never god any good results. :( The results for me where not different in comparsion with the 'not adaptive' original indicators. Sometimes you win more, sometimes you loose more. It all comes down to realtime optimization. If done right and fully, it is curve fitting on the 'lookback period'.

Frequenzy anaysis, a combination of low+highpass filter might do the stuff you are looking for, (?wavelets?). But this stuff is over my head.

My currect research is most based on swing analysing, looking at each swing independent and collecting the information. The result are floating support and ressistance levels.

(I am yet in the basic indicator development. ) Up to know it looks a bit messy and the forward drawing is not yet correcly done.


I think that's not too bad.

I tried doing the same thing looking at the number of bars since the last new high/low (on a window) of the close.

I'm still working on that...